WINE-Why is it?!


WINE-Why is it?

Why every time i drink wine do i get a thumping headache the following day?....had 3 glasses last night and my heads other alcoholic drink does this to me?(well unless i've had too much :)


It is strange that wines do not have a list of ingredients. Needless to say some evil producers put additives in their wine.

As mentioned, preservatives are sometimes used. Gypsum ( calcium sulphate or is it Sulphide?) is often added at the pressing stage........e.g. They do this with sherry.

The worst additive is tannin. Tannin is a poison that happens naturally in trace amounts in the barrel but if a wine writer or supermarket buyer says that a wine should have more tannin, it can easily be added. This additive makes me vomit and pass out!

Ingredients should be shown on wine bar code labels by LAW.

The solution is to buy better wine. Avoid cheap wine and bargains. Buy only wines from well known vinyards and companies.
I trust Australian wines, and have never beeen ill with wines from the Spanish company Torres.

I have toiled in the vineyard and read a list of additives, both legal and illegal, from a chemical company specialising in supplying wine producers.

Apparantly its the sulphites in it to preserve it.

It's the additives and impurities in the wine that give you a headache - it probably has little to do with the alcohol. Red wine is worse that white. Try more expensive wine? Try another drink altogether? If you're sensitive to it, leave it alone, it can bring on migraines.

Try a good quality organic wine. These have none of the nasty additives you find in your average wine (to prolong shlf life etc)

Sometimes wine has that effect on me. I asked my mum and she told me its either too strong or because you didnt have anything to eat and no water.

additives especially red wine, i drink wine with ice and find this works for me

Yes, if you are drinking cheap nasty pub plonk it may have this effect. Purchase a £6.99 bottle from Tescos and repeat the experiment.

Or alternate with glasses of, what's that clear stuff? ... Water!

It has been said that organic wine`s have not any artificial additives, well this is not quite accurate. Sulphur Dioxide or E220 is present and this acts has a toxin and can cause headaches.

sulfites are a serious issue
i'm a big lover of reds
but histimines are another problem
benedryl helps
but also helps to knock me out

and i agree with drift
a glass of water for every glass of wine
can make a huge difference

I have often wondered this too. I can drink loads of vodka or any other spirit and my hangover is nowhere near as bad as if I'd had a few glasses of wine. We will just have to stop drinking wine, I suppose!

most wines contain sulphites , it's best to avoid , have not drunk wine for 20 years. you are better drinking beer with food and spirits for social .

maybe you are allergic to it..:D

If you drink to much wine you get headaches.

Firstly it isn't sulfites.

There is no evidence -- and people have been looking -- for sulfites causing headaches.

The most probable cause is alcohol and dehydration. You say yourself it happens when you drink too much of other drinks.

Many people do not realise how much alcohol there is in wine. You dranks three glasses, but you do not say how large the glasses are. The standard wine glass measure is 125ml, which means three glasses would be 375ml, or half a bottle. But some places are selling 250ml measures which means 3 glasses equals a full bottle.

Other drinks tend to have more water, e.g beer or spirits which have non-alcoholic mixers added.

So the best thing with drinking wine to prevent hangovers is to match every glass of wine with a glass of water and it means you are not drinking wine to quench a thirst

Plus know what the alcohol content is, that has increased a lot over recent years, don't let people top up your glass in restuarants until it is empty otherwise it is impossible to count how many glass you have

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