What is a Saki Bomb?!
Answers: Explain the whole process to me. Why do people yell Saki...Bomb, Saki...Bomb before pounding the table and drinking the saki?
The sake bomb or sake bomber is a drink made by pouring sake into a shot glass and dropping it into a glass of beer. Sometimes two chopsticks are placed parallel on top of the glass of beer, and the shot glass is balanced carefully between them. The drinker then chants "sake...sake...sake...BOMB!", slamming the table with two balled fists, and the sake drops into the beer.
Sake Bomb
serve in a
Beer Mug
1 shot sake rice wine
1 glass beer
It's real easy. Drop the shot of Sake into a glass of beer and the just slam it.
only in your neck of the woods has this been a ritual to yell saki....bomb.....saki....bomb.
srituals are picked up and passed on. nothing to explain, no process to ponder
Japanese boiler maker.
Nigggers fart called Saki, he he...