How come when I get drunk?!

Question: When I get drunk I always want to pick up bar whores is this normal?? And if it is normal how come I never get an STD? But now that I think about it, it does burn when I pee. Is that normal?

Answers: When I get drunk I always want to pick up bar whores is this normal?? And if it is normal how come I never get an STD? But now that I think about it, it does burn when I pee. Is that normal?

I do the same thing and you should drink cranberry juice to get relieve from burn while peeing.

Dont call me a whore Eric, and you loved it as much as I did.

Has anyone ever told you that you are an actual YAHOO?

1. don't get that dunk yuk
2. go to a doctor and get it checked

You drink too much, get yourself checked by a dr. and then sign for for rehab.

yes it is normal. Did you ever think to use a condom?

yup... your human right? beer goggles hunting is a fulltime job for some

If your really doing what you said: Your an IDIOT!

best to get a girlfriend,then when you get drunk you can sleep with her instead and no std!

I have two things to say to that.

1) Its not normal to burn upon urination.
2) Stop picking up bar whores.
Cuz one day, they will cause something worse than making your dick fall off.

find something elso to do with your "down time" besides getting drink.

It's called sex addiction. I have it too unfortunately. But thank god i'm a little settled down now. you gotta watch out for that man, or you will end up with an std. start using condoms for real. women will still sleep with you i'm sure. and if they don't, then f**k em.

Well it's normal if you have the clap.

Sounds like you're the whore!

Stop drinking to get drunk. You could have an S.T.I.. If you do take care of it if you do not be thankful for your good fortune and be more careful. You can drink to have a good time, but just do not overdo it. Wish you the best.

you won't show signs right away. It could take years. Have you gotten a check-up lately and been tested for certain stuff?

Oh my just get drunk again and be a complete looser

I pray you are not serious.
No it is not normal for it to burn when you pee, and if you are serious, then go get tested for STD's and a Urinary tract infection.
People do stupid things when they are drunk, so if you are one of them, my suggestion is to not get drunk.

1. get that checked out okay buddy?
2. dont pick up thoes skanks!!!
3. bring a friend with you so they stay sober, and while your sober tell them to not let you get with the whores

When you get drunk you enter a primal state in which logic and reason disappear. But of course, it is always smart to wear a prophylactic should any damsels request your services.

your a flirty drunk...there's nothing wrong with that...just be careful please !!!

Just make sure you get checked out by a doctor every once in a while to make sure you clear of STD's. Burning when you pee is normal at a certain point...try eating healthier and have less sex. Let your thing rest!!

Ever heard of beer goggles? That is what you are looking through when you see a woman and are drinking. I would go to the Doctor and be tested. Good luck.

wow, you are a dork, aren't you!

Congratulations! you have an STD! Get to a urologist ASAP and avoid bars in future. The reason you pick up ladies of easy repute is when you drink to excess, instead of being moderate, your judgement becomes severely impaired.
If you cannot drink in moderation, you need to stop altogether before you degenerate into alcoholism.

Are you drunk right now. Alcohol does increase arousal for a little bit, but come on...that's low. P.S. you're stupid for not wearing a condom, and for not employing good syntax.

it's all normal....DOH

Its completely normal to want to pick up whores when you're drunk. Drunk men have been doing it for probably at least 1,000 years. A burning sensation when you pee does not necessarily mean you have an STD but I think you should get it checked.

Dude drinking is horrible for you, and why would you want to have sex with random bar chicks? You should get an AIDS check done buddie, you could also get mono or herpies. All of em suck. You are really stupid mate.

you have chlamydia if it burns when you use the bathroom a friend of mine had it . cleared it up and sleep with the same girl a caught it again

because drunk whores go to bars and get drunk and go home together. its just what you do.

drinking makes everyone more attractive. those girls youre picking up probably wouldnt go home with you if they were sober.

the reason you got an STD is because the people youve slept with have slept with everyone else at the bar as well. odds are youre going to catch something.

its a gross, pathetic lifestyle youre leading.

Yes, and it may be that you were picked up and just did'nt know it. Some women like to pick up whore mongers. It could be just a small dose of clap. OR. But then thats just me!

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