How to get alcohol?!

Question: I am a senior in high school, and I was wondering how so many people my age are able to obtain alcohol, because I have no idea how to get a hold of any. Any ideas? Thanks!!! P.S. please no lectures on underage drinking, thanks

Answers: I am a senior in high school, and I was wondering how so many people my age are able to obtain alcohol, because I have no idea how to get a hold of any. Any ideas? Thanks!!! P.S. please no lectures on underage drinking, thanks

I'm a senior as well. try the service stations in the area, they don't ask for Id most of the time. I've even got it a safeway. depends on where you live too. the more liberal the state, the harder to get boose. I live in Washington, one of the hardest States, I've been buying tobacco underage since i was 15 and alcohol since i was 16, It's all psycology, email me if you need help.

get a fake id made or just walk into a store and take it and walk out and run like crazy

I'm not suggesting you do this, but I know when I was in high school everyone got it through stealing from their parents liquor cabinet, or having older siblings purchase it for them.

Not everyone that sells alcohol checks ID carefully. And lots of alcoholics are happy to provide booze for the next generation of alcoholics.

Hold up a liquor store

I'm assuming you're a guy, because if you're a girl it's pretty much the easiest thing you can do.

I reccomend just taking it from your parents. That's what I do, and they never seem to notice.

wait until your 21

you need older friends...or you need to bribe your friends big bro's and sis's

1) Grow a beard (as wimpy as it may be)
2) Create a solid story as to why you are without ID
(only use it if asked and keep it short)
3) Act confident
4) Go for the case of Newcastle... not the Bud tallboy
5) Go to the shady corner liquor store... not the 7-11 or grocery store.
6) It's all about the #'s it may take 10+ shady liquor stores before you find one that will sell.
7) Once you find a seller, go back the next day wearing the same thing and drop $20+ on non-alcoholic purchases.
(show that you're going to be a good customer... worth the risk... lets face it, he/she probably knows that you're underage).

become friends with the town drunk. or if you have an older brother or if your 18 b1tch at your parents telling them you are old enough to join the army your old enough to drink. my mother bought mine after i turned 18 because of that ideal.

They pay someone to bootleg it for them or they are raiding mom/pops liquor cabinet.

steal from your parents!!

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