What makes people puke when they drink too much?!

Question: and what can i do to help me drink more?

Answers: and what can i do to help me drink more?

When they have too much alcohol built up in their system waiting to be filtered from the blood by the liver.

If you drink more water you can drink more by urinating more often and expelling more of the alcohol before it is able to enter your blood. You could drink more this way though you would not get drunker. Depends if you want to not look like a lightweight or if you are concerned about how much money you blow on booze.

All the other stuff about mixing alcohols is true too. Yet keep in mind the often quoted belief that beer before liquor - you're felling sicker, liquor before beer - you're in the clear.

have food in your stomach ,dont mix drinks ,beer vodka whiskeyetc.

Alcohol is a poison and your body is working to flush the poison out of your system.

Alcohol can irritate the stomach. That and dehydration causes you to vomit.

You shouldn't drink too much as it can damage your liver over time. Make sure you drink a lot of water when you're drinking alcohol as alcohol dehydrates you and this contributes to the sick feeling and the hangover..

their body can't handle the amount of alcohol in their body

Dehydration through alchohol contamination can cause the body to react with vomitting. Having no food in your system while taking in alchohol can be just as bad, since it will make contamination in your blood stream easier. Remember that alchohol reduces your body's ability to distribute oxygen through the bloodstream.

Just take in sips of water while drinking to keep from dehydrating, and know your limits. Keep friends around with level heads who can help remind you when you've had too much.

That's why toxic is in intoxication

if you are drinking until you puke, you need to drink LESS, not MORE,


too much food, beer and hard liquor mixed too much. Binge drinking, and drinking too much in a short amount of time. And if your immune system sucks, some people throw up more often than others.

The amount of booze in your stomach has no place
to go,puking empties your stomach.It's the
same think anorexia people do.

Eat something from time to time and don't try for the world record...there's always somebody that can drink you under the table and trying to keep up will keep you in the puke club.

TO PREVENT YOU FROM GETTIN ALCOHOL POISING! and if your getting sick thats um a sign to stop! not drink more, thats what igrenent people do! and if your not going to take that advice then dont mix dark and light liqiors. dont have a completly empty stomach eather

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