Is their a way of getting drunk with 3 bottles of smirng off?!

Question: because me and my friend have 3 bottles between us, and want to be happy, by getting drunk, does the temprature of the room help?

Answers: because me and my friend have 3 bottles between us, and want to be happy, by getting drunk, does the temprature of the room help?

hey guys, i think the poster meant smirnoff ice, the 12oz 5% drinks...

and no, you wouldn't get drunk from that. maybe if you're like 100 lbs and 13 you might get buzzed, but not drunk. even then, you'd have to drink them basically in a minute...

You do not sound old enough to drink, so not contributing here.

haha if you drink 3 bottles of smirnoff by yourself you will die. If you drink even 1 whole bottle by yourself you will most likely have to go the hospital. Smirnoff is 40% alcohol which is as strong as jack daniels whiskey.

You don't need much at all to get drunk. Fill a regular glass with half of a regular drink and half vodka (if you can bear the taste). It hits you all at once so give it some time. After 2 glasses you should be trashed.

Got to go with Kren on this one.

You sound about 13 years old.

If you think you can down a bottle of Pierres good stuff and only " feel happy " then you are more of a man then I am.

he doesnt mean the liquor bottle he means the mixed drink like beer i doubt it try telling a wino to buy yall a 20 pack 2 get trashed

there is a thing called alcohol poisoning, ya want that? Its called you end up in an ER with an IV up your arm, your parents present and a cop sitting there reading you your miranda rights. If you don't go into an alcohol coma, you can end up killing someone or yourself if you drink and drive. Oh and for an extra benefit, you wont' get your liscence, will get a DUI and will get jail time. How is that for an answer?

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