Why is alcohol legal and drugs aren't?!


Why is alcohol legal and drugs aren't?

anyone know the scientific research etc behind it all?!

alcohol has been around since the time we became "farmers" instead of hunter/gatherers , weak "beer" was produced as a safe alternative too drinking water ( the brewing process kills bacteria ) and thus has been a part of our way of life for a long time , as we progressed , it was used more in social and religious situations, and it is part of our culture weather we like it or not , just like eating bread, we don't ban food because some people eat too much , and personally i enjoy a nice cold pint . if the government try to make it illegal there would be riots and total disorder

Government has to allow us SOME fun...

Alcohol has better lobbyists.

From what I know, drugs are more potent that beer. They will fudge you up quicker, especially if you get a contaminated batch.

I'm sure they're working on it. It'll be like the future in demolition man soon.

During prohibition during the depression alcohol was in such demand that people were brewing their own alcohol such as moonshine etc. and people such as Al Capone were becoming rich by running alcohol across the border. It was safer for the government to allow alcohol and restrict it. I'm not quite sure but i believe almost the same thing is the case with medicinal marajuana in Canada

I dont know but i think alcohol is worse than weed.People are more aggressive when they drink but people who smoke weed dont do anything they re to chilled.

Yup !
Prohibition and the 19th amendment (?)

My personal opinion - is that the government has not figured out how to profit from legalizing drugs. The whole thing doesn't jive for me!

They tried to make it illegal in the 20s, but so many people continued to do it, there was no way ban it. (Prohibition) I guess the government just gave up. Alcohol is actually one the most harmful substances you can put in your body. At this point, so many people are invested in beer and alcohol companies, if they tried to ban it now, a lot of big businesses would lose a lot of money.

Alcohol should be illegalised too. Many more people are ill or die from the effects of alcohol than any other substance[ not sure about tobacco though] Maybe making it illegal is a bit harsh cos I do like a drink myself but we have teens and early 20's in our house and 2 of them seem to be heading toward alcoholism

its just the law and government says so

The Truth is Lawmen, people of power like their liquor

Firstly, alcohol is a drug, and in my opinion much worse than some illegal drugs. The reason is that alcohol is easy to tax, and to make it illegal would put a huge dent in the UKs annual profit from taxes. the whole thing is ridiculous and not based on any research, as the research shows that many many more deaths are caused directly by, or related to alcohol each year than by any other drugs. This is despite the fact that many harder drugs are cut with dangerous substances by greedy drug dealers, due to them being illegal. In fact, most deaths from illegal drugs are due to them being illegal, whether it is the substances they are cut with, or the illegal activities that go hand in hand with their use because they have to remain hidden from the eyes of the law. Clearly the most sensible option would be to legalize all drugs, so that drug addicts can more easily seek help, and the content of drugs can be sensibly monitored. It is obviously in human nature to want to be intoxicated for enjoyment, as humans have drank alcohol and used various drugs for centuries, and continue to do so in the face of the law. Alcohol can cause addictions, illnesses, violence, home break ups, abuse, and commonly death, if drugs are illegal, alcohol should be a class A. The government needs to address its hypocritical messages.

Whatever was said about prohibition is true. The reason pot is not legal has to do with the paper industry. When paper began first being mass made pot became illegal, the guy who owned the industry lobbied for it. It's all politics and money.

there is no scientific research,its the goverment not being able to put tax on drugs,they cant make any money off drugs.tax goes up every year on booze and fags and theres more speed cameras everywhere,all making money for the govermant.the scumbags have no control over the manufacturing,selling and enjoying the stuff so they just slap an illegal tag on it all and take thier ball home.

Depends on what drugs you're talking about.
Marijuana they'll probably never legalize because they can't figure out how to tax it. Too many growers & underground sellers, probably same thing with other drugs too.

I believe in freedom.If you like doing s/th it must be legal...is your life

Good question. I think that the government has not figure out how to tax the drug dealers yet.


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