Uh.... Drinking?!

Question: Im 18 an I've never had a drink. I'm not 'sxe' or anything, I just hate parties. I always feel left out when my friends talk about drinking. I'm responsible, I don't want to drive drunk or anything, but I'm going to college soon. Should I kick back some cold ones before I go?

Answers: Im 18 an I've never had a drink. I'm not 'sxe' or anything, I just hate parties. I always feel left out when my friends talk about drinking. I'm responsible, I don't want to drive drunk or anything, but I'm going to college soon. Should I kick back some cold ones before I go?

Zac, just because you're going to college it doesn't mean that you have to start drinking. The two can be mutually exclusive :)

Just watched Gene Simmons (from Kiss) on the Tyra show, and he's NEVER had a drink, done drugs, smoked. And.... there's plenty of people who've liked him over the years.

If you do start drinking, please don't ever drink and drive - it isn't worth it.

wow!! Drink at home if you have to,... i really find this unbelievable.... drink some vodka!!!

no just let the opportunity come to you and when it does make sure you have a plan to avoid the cops and drunk driving. Dont force drinking upon yourself.

go have a vodka redbull[2 oz vodka half a can of bull]on ice,they are like lays chips.......i bet you cant have just one

Just wait it out, believe me, you don't want to subdue into peer pressure, its not worth it, do it when your ready, and when you do,be responsible, have a good fool proof plan where you will avoid any trouble and you ll be OK.

well im going to tell you right now it dont taste too good. lol
I think you should have a coupld of beers when your home before you go. Just so when your at a college party or just a small get together your not taking your first drink. Its noticable to others if you havn't drank much in the past.

Im 16 i and a casual drinker, i dont have a problem with parties cuz i dont mind drunk people. but i have never been drunk, just a little tipsy i guess. and when i think that there may be a chance i might be getting drunk then i get a ride from someone or if i drive I make my friends take my keys. In my opinion there isn't anything wrong with drinking as long as you can control yourself.

well you dont have to drive drunk, just take a cab back home.
only drink if you want to. you dont need to have a huge party to drink just a couple of friends is good. You could try it.

You don't have to. I made it through college without drinking at all and I didn't miss out on anything. No college busts for being underage, no dangerous drinking habits that kill a lot of college students, no missed classes because of hangovers. I was too busy to drink. I wouldn't worry about it too much to be honest. You should drink when you're of age and if you do not then you should do so around people who will take care of you if you drink too much. I'm a big advocate of not drinking until you're of age. I'm in my 30's and enjoy a few beers but I'm glad I didn't get all messed up with binge drinking when I was a college student.

yeah man just tell your dad you want to know what its like before you go to college he will give you a couple beers. or just go to a party and have a few just dont drive drunk take a cab to and from the party. my college was cool cause there was a bus service running 24/7 between the 2 dorm campuses so if i wanted to party i just take the bus. 10 min ride was sweet never had to drive drunk.

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