Favorite domestic and foreign beer?!
Favorite domestic and foreign beer?
My favorite Domestic is Natural Lite. Yes I am a cheap date and little on the ghetto side.
Favorite Import is good ole Corona. Cannot beat it on a hot summer day. In fact I think Saturday will be a good day for a few!
What about you?
Domestic: Honey Brown
Import: Guinness
Domestic - Two Hearted Ales by Bells Brewery
Foreign - Still learning about Belgium Ales, so anything made by the Tapist Monks or Guinness.
domestic : none, they're all terrible
foreign : negra modelo
Schiener Bock, Texas
Mercottti, Italy
Domestic...........Sam Adams Light
domestic: Gambrinus (Plzen, Czech republic)
foreign: either Tuborg (Denmark) or Heineken (the Netherlands)
domestic = down town brown Ale
Import = Newcastle Ale
why drink beer when you can have ale?
usa domestic-- Shiner Bock from texas
Imported- probably Warsteiner
I have thing for German beer...
Depends too tell you the truth
-Sam Adams Lager is one of my top choices, i preferably like it when i am with friends, co-workers, family, etc
-Yingling is another favorite, mainly for parties and what not
-Czechvar also known as Budvar. It's a small brewery that has gone large in the past decade (uncle used to have partial ownership) it's really great rich taste made from Czech barley.
-San Miguel is also a good favorite, i dont know how to explain this one but it just hits the spot when im having a social night,
Don't forget there are alot of small brewerys that u might like too, it all depends on what type of beer you like, i tend to go for a rich taste, not the normal "im american so lets get drunk to budweiser" (wich sucks) so really just go down to the store and pick up a case of whate ever pleases you, GOOD LUCK!
domestic-miller lite
import-st. paully girl
Domestic-Bud Light Imported-Amstel Light
Black Butte porter is one of my favorites, as well as Anchor Steam porter -- I'm a porter fan. I had a porter that I think was just called Rasputin that I believe was made in the UK; very good. Rich flavor, with a bit of a chocolate and coffee aftertaste. More than other porters I've tried.
Domestic: Milwaukee Ale House Vanilla Stout
Import: Guiness, also Xingha from Brazil
I like dark beer
DELIRIUM TREMENS Elected as the best beer in the World!
by usa board Stuart A. Kallen
Domestic Microbrew: Goose Island Pere Jacques
Domestic: Sam Adams
Import: Heinekin (only on tap or in a keg; green bottles skunk too easily)
Beck's and St Pauli's Girl....
Sierra Nevada
Domestic: on a budget, PBR. Feeling rich, Budweiser select.
Import: Heineken, especially out of the mini kegs, mmmm....
Domestic: Sam Adams
Import: Amstel Light (the only beer made from de-salinated sea water...on the island of curacao)
Harp, Bass, Modelo
Domestic= Red Dog, or Dead Dog..as you wanna call it.
Foreign : Polar Ice (from Venezuela)
I don't like domestic beer, since I live in Russia. Imported - Miller light.
I like the Coors family...coors light, keystone light/ice....although i've got to represent for Miller, since it is brewed where my family lives!
Foreign: Corona!!! Or newcastle.
Domestic: Boont amber ale from the Anderson Valley Brewing Co.
Import: Hands down Delirium Tremens from Belgium
All foreign, Red Stripe, Samuel Adams and Killians Red.