Do you think a bar owner would listen to me if i told them this?!


Do you think a bar owner would listen to me if i told them this?

down at my regular bar i have never had any problems with the staff. there is a woman that started working there about a month ago. i went in and was sober and witnessed this bartender pocket 9.50 of this girls money and charge her drinks to a mans tab. when she gave the man his bill he told her that he did not buy the drinks for the girl and was not going to sign the reciept. she then got 7 guys to go out into the parking lot and try to intimidate this man into signing and was going to have them beat this man up. she then started yelling and cussing at the man and saying **** you and your punk *** dad and things like that. cause the mans dad fired her from another bar. if shes gunna steal from the customers and start fights i dont think she needs to be working at this bar. whos to say she wont steal from the bar itself? should i report this to the owner? how would i get ahold of the accual owner if he is never in the bar?

I would encourage you to report this incident, although you are not required to do so. However, since it is your regular bar, you have an opportunity to help out the owners and managers. I would recommend calling the bar around opening time, whether that means 10am or 4pm, someone of authority should arrive with the keys. When you call, ask for the general manager or owner. If you are concerned the bartender who was a part of this incident is answering, simply tell him you are a customer who has a concern and you would like to speak directly to the general manager or owner. He should tell you when they will be available. I've worked in restaurants and bars for about 8 years. I have never had a manager refuse to speak with a customer. I have had owners that defer this type of thing to their managers, so I wouldn't sweat talking to the managers about it unless you feel the managers were involved.

Your spending way to much time in bars. Then you watch a waitress and then follow her around seeing if she found ppl to follow him to the parking lot and then stood there and watched the action? Man get a life. However unless there were other witnesses its your word against hers. Furthermore why would a waitress get apparently you "ghetto" ppl to follow someone to the parking lot all bars have bouncers on duty most in plain clothing and many posing as bartenders themselves that can handle the situation as well as management staff

Do you know who the owner is? if so i think they would believe you.

I'd try to talk to a manager, or maybe even another bartender about this situation. I doubt they want these kind of things taking place in the bar. Also I'm sure the police and the local ABC officers would like to know about this.

I have seen bartenders pocket money and charge drinks to a customers tab just to cover what they have stolen. If you saw a person robbing a store wouldn't you contact the police? You have a moral obligation to report this to someone. Yes the owner of the bar is the one to first contact. Ask one of the staff for the owners phone number. If this kind of practice keeps up, the bar you enjoy going to just might go broke and close up.

Tough situation. If it is your "regular" bar, I presume you must have a rapport with some of the other staff, and perhaps even a manager if not the actual owner. I would try starting there, or as others have suggested, call in and ask to speak to the owner or manager. I would hope that the first person lodged a complaint with management, and if so, that will help.

One thing you must be wary of, though, is that this whole incident may mean this will not much longer be your regular bar. Unless the result is a nice, smooth firing of the offending bartender, it may potentially lead to other problems which compel you to stop going there.

Sorry to hear about this, and I hope things work out for the best.

Someone need to know. If you can't find the owner, then inform the manager.

I am a former bartender and i can tell you the owner does not care or he would be there. most bars make money hand over just try not to let that girl wait on you. Have a drink for me!!!

Talk with the manager.

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