How old were you,when you first DRANK ALCOHOL OR SMOKED?????!


How old were you,when you first DRANK ALCOHOL OR SMOKED?????

HONESTLEY...How old were you when you first drank any alcohol or when you first smoked.??..Because I know the majority of people had alcohol way before legall age..Im 38 now,and when I first started drinking on a regular basis I was 15..and it was easily attainable..even then!!!

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2 months ago
when I first started smoking I was 14

2 months ago
when I first started smoking I was 14

WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fun question! I was 14 when i did all of the three: sex, weed, alcohol lol. When i first got drunk i was up for 24 hours the night before....we had like, 24 beers that entire day. i was SO WASTED... i blacked out and woke up with chips in my hair

smoked at 14, drank at 14 too. I am now 44 and don't do either! : )

Never smoked, never will. I got married when I was 18, I'm 38 now, and I had wine at our reception. I don't like the taste of alcohol, so I don't drink with the exception of a strawberry daquiri a couple times a year.

I started drinking at 15 as well. Smoking at 18. Im 57 and the alcohol was really easy to get. I used this one liqour store for almost 4 years before the clerk asked me for my id.

Never smoked because my Grandmother died from it and I know that I have an addictive personnality. Drinking on the other hand. Well alcohol was never a big deal when I grow up, and even though the age limit in France is officically 18 I never ever ever had my ID checked, not once, not even when I was blatantly too young. And there was always alcohol at the dinner table and when I went out with my family. So maybe 13.

Smoked at 9, drank at 14

Never hurt anyone

Quit smoking at 66

I smoked when I was way young...


Drank when I was like...13.

I dont do either now.

Smoking is disgusting and I've always hated it.
Gives me sore throats and my nose gets dry.

I just dont drink because I dont really have any reason to.
I'm probably at good risk to become an alcoholic.
I can drink a lot of nonalcoholic things, and my dad was an alcoholic. Not to mention I have emotional issues...

So, I just dont for now..

I'm 35 and I chose not to drink and if I do its maybe one or two drinks every couple of yrs. Anyhow my first drink was at 16 it was Bartles and James Wine coolers and Everclear. Then I moved on to Jack and Jack was my friend for many many yrs until I went to college and realize it was not the life style I wanted.

I tried a cigarette once, inhaled almost vomited and still to this day can not figure out why in the hell people would want to smoke I was 17 at the time.

I would also like to add I was always so paranoid about how much I drank when I was younger and I never drank to pass out just to get that buzz ya know.I never drank heavy and I cant remember the last time I had a drink to be honest. I don't drink I dont smoke and I have NEVER tried drugs of any sort infact I refuse to take a simple Tylenol and I was recently diagnosed with liver disease. Told my Dr "all these yrs of living a healthy life style wanting to live to watch my children grow up and have babies and I get liver disease I should have been a cigarette smoking pot tokin alcoholic!"

I first got drunk at 13.
First smoked pot when I was 13.
And first smoked cigarettes regularly when I was about 14 1/2.

The first two were done in the presence of my worthless father.

smoked my first cigarette 10 smoke pot at 13 got drunk at 14

When I first drank ANY alcohol & first smoked? It was probably kindergarten, maybe even younger. We would steal drinks from dad & grandpa's beers when they weren't looking, & re-light the butts from the ashtrays. Or sometimes dad would drop an unlit one without knowing it, & we'd share a whole one. Ah, good times!

Regular drinking - about age 19. Still drink some, not as much as I would like though!
Regular smoking - about age 19. Quit almost 3 years ago.
Pot - about age 19. Tried it again at 21. Neither time did anything for me.

I was married and about age 24..Honest.

Honestly... my first drink of alcohol was at 16... and my first cigarette was at almost 21. I'm 35 now... and booze wasn't so easily attainable when I was underage (the legal drinking age being 19 where I grew up). I was still getting carded at 26! Luckily, I always had older friends... *grin*

Never drank; never smoked.
If you mean 'drank' as in tried or tasted alcoholic beverage, well, I was 1 or 2 years old and stole someone's orange juice at my parent's party/gathering there were at. I drank the whole thing. It was vodka and orange juice. I sang all the way home in the car and feel asleep. Otherwise, I took tasting sips from my parent's beer, wine, etc., but it always tasted pretty bad. Why would I ever drink something that tasted that bad. Same reason I have never drank coffee and many other things.

Had my first drink at 13 i am 42 now. first smore at 15
i have never had any trouble getting either, wished i
never started smoking, the drinking i like

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