Hiding marjuana?!

Question: i started smoking about a month ago and my parents dont know yet and i plan to keep it that way so are there any tips to help hide some of the signs and to keep from giving any clues

Answers: i started smoking about a month ago and my parents dont know yet and i plan to keep it that way so are there any tips to help hide some of the signs and to keep from giving any clues

Hmm...the biggest signs are smell, bloodshot/glossy eyes, and your mindset. To block the smell, use axe and don't wear hoodies or other absorbent materials (try to wear a leather jacket or something over what you're wearing). Just don't spray on a ton of cologne or whatnot, otherwise they will be suspicious. And for your car, either break open a new air freshener or have someone smoke a cig or a pipe, and do this after driving fast with all of the windows open to get as much out first as possible.

For your eyes, simply use visine or some other anti-redness eye drops afterward. They work like a charm.

The hardest thing to hide is the fact that you're high as a kite. Just try to avoid them altogether, until you're used to being able to fake a short convo or something while you're high. If you start stuttering and laughing during a convo, that's a sure sign that you're stoned.

As far as stashing the stuff, make sure it's in an airtight container (no smell, and this is what it should be stored in anyway for less quality loss), and just put it in the last place they'd look...this is not in your dresser drawers or your closet or something...one good hiding spot I had when living at home was above the ceiling tiles in the basement, they'd never look and I'd just head down there to put stuff in my pockets and then head out. Only problem was that there were mice up there - they wouldn't touch the weed but one time I stashed a bunch of honey phillies up there, they shredded them to bits! I was so pissed, I put a bunch of mousetraps up there and caught em (peanut butter is a great mouse bait).


If you want to totally hide it, roll joints. Keep you some gum and some eye drops. Invest in cologne. Learn how to keep **** on the DL and don't giggle so much. If ever found, "It ain't mine." ;-))

eye drops to clear your eyes. Don't make eye contact when your high.

by the way I'm an Engineering grad student and smoke pot often, don't listen to people who make it seem like pot equals instant brain damage.

Put it in a condom, swallow it, and it'll stay hidden for about two days at a time.

in the open

How about quiting taking drugs...then there will be NO signs. Are you nuts? You're, obviously young, living with your parents and you're taking drugs...my, my...won't they be proud of you?!
Will you also ask them to bail you out of jail when you get busted? Wise up, kid - you'll be wasting your life...

ahhhh yes there is i personaaly drink soda to hide the smell of ganja on my breath and i use visine or eye drops to hide the redness and hideing it no problem take an old speaker and use it to store it :)) happy 420

you can hide the pot in a heating vent in your room. under a dresser or desk in your room. maybe in a shed outside your house. or in a little box next to your bed.

eye drops, cologne, and parents that trust you. make sure you don't do it when they are around, i smoke out my bathroom window. oh and wear a hoodie when you smoke so it does not get on your clothes. wash your hands afterwards cus your hands will smell like it. i think that is just about it for more advice look online.

Lots of visine for red eye,gum or breathmints, buy a case to keep your pipe/papers and stash in..and keep your stash in something thats forsure air-tight like a camera film container ,medicine bottle or jar of some sort so they dont smell the dank haha..oh and good luck :) ill hit one for you

Call the police and tell them you need a good place to hide it. They are experts at places to hide drugs. They will be glad to help you.

Good luck! LOL !
What ever you do do not light a candle and forget about it! OMFG ROFL!

bux is right. But other suggestions include hiding it in one of those metal mint cases. Defenatly get the eye drops, if there are any woods near your house or in your car, would be the best places to smoke.............aaaahhh I miss my old pot days from high school.....(sigh)

also. if watching the HBO Original Series OZ has taught me anything, it is that anything and I mean anything can go up your assholes.

1. Don't do drugs
2. If you insist on doing drugs, then invest in the following:

a) Visine
b) a hoodie
c) perfumed liquid soap for your hands
d) Ozium air sanitizer, for those times when you're retarded enough to smoke in your room and hear your mom coming down the hall.....

Just stop and you won't have to worry about hiding it, dummy

Smoking weed will get old after a while like it does for most people. But chances are, if you aren't very careful when you smoke, your parents will find out. When I used to smoke all the time, I'd come in stoned off my *** thinking my Mom had no clue, but after I stopped smoking she told me it was so obvious how high I was when I always thought I was covering up pretty well. Thank God she didn't take it too serious.
Anyway, the best time to smoke is when your parents leave for a while, or to sneak out front at least a half hour after they go to bed. If you absolutely need to smoke when they're home, walk to a local fast-food restaurant or if you know they won't bother you, you can lock your door, put a towel over the crack, close your air vent, close your closet, turn off the fan, open the window, smoke, then turn the fan on for a while, and then burn incense..... That always worked but it's a lot of steps =)
Oh, and you can keep your pipe wrapped up in a few socks in your drawer and your stash is always safe in an air-tight container inside the box spring of your bed. Not many people would think to look there.
I think you'll grow out of this though, it gets boring after some time.

Stop smoking! Period.

well first off you can run but you can't hide...sooner or later it will lead to destruction and more bad choices....nothing positive comes out of illegal activity and drug and alcohol use....lives are destroyed including yours and those that love you...not to mention the risk you place on innocent people if you engage in driving....marijuana alone has over 400 chemicals in it....you have your whole life ahead of you....if you choose this sort of lifestyle it will only lead you to a deadend, jail or perhaps other drugs....it breaks my heart to see kids risk there future away for a buzz.....bottom line...engaging in illegal activity will catch up with you sooner or later.....you really need to focus on what you want out of your future.....the choice is only one you can make....good luck....i hope you think smart....

Omg another little virgin geek trying to be cool by giving himself brain damage. :(


WOW.. YOU SHOULD QUIT.. Because your gonna become stupid.. god bless you\

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