Do you think children should have alchol at any age?!

Question: I don't have a problem allowing my son to have a sip of my homebrew. I don't think that children should drink more than a sip. At any time. I will encourage my child to drink with me when or if he decides that he wants to drink. I know when I was a child, when I decided I wanted to start drinking (at 17), I knew my best bets were to not drink around my parents as I would get in trouble. I also knew that this was not going to stop me from drinking. The only problem then lie in that I could potentially be out drinking and driving. Well, at 17 you think you are invincible and thankfully nothing happened to me or anyone else on the roadways at that time. I don't want my son doing this. If he has decided that he wants to drink, it will be in my controlled environment. Kids will decide that they want to do something and there is no way to stop them. I knew I couldn't be stopped from doing somthing, I just had to find a way to do it. So I don't want him to think he has to hide anything from me. If he wants to do it, come talk to me. We will do it together and he will be monitored and limited in his consumption, and I can make sure of the fact that he is safe doing it.

Answers: I don't have a problem allowing my son to have a sip of my homebrew. I don't think that children should drink more than a sip. At any time. I will encourage my child to drink with me when or if he decides that he wants to drink. I know when I was a child, when I decided I wanted to start drinking (at 17), I knew my best bets were to not drink around my parents as I would get in trouble. I also knew that this was not going to stop me from drinking. The only problem then lie in that I could potentially be out drinking and driving. Well, at 17 you think you are invincible and thankfully nothing happened to me or anyone else on the roadways at that time. I don't want my son doing this. If he has decided that he wants to drink, it will be in my controlled environment. Kids will decide that they want to do something and there is no way to stop them. I knew I couldn't be stopped from doing somthing, I just had to find a way to do it. So I don't want him to think he has to hide anything from me. If he wants to do it, come talk to me. We will do it together and he will be monitored and limited in his consumption, and I can make sure of the fact that he is safe doing it.

No, because it causes them to slur their speech, and for some folks, even the words in their questions! ;)

Not at any age but absolutely earlier then what it is now at 21. I have relatives in England and they say drinking among youths has always been accepted starting around the age of 15-16. You wouldn't have to worry about teenagers trying to be "cool" because they stole some liquor from their parents bar.

I think normally it would be good for children to gradually learn to drink alcohol at home.

Absolutely NOT

Does this question even deserve an answer?
Of course children shouldn't drink alcohol! Geesh!

When I was a kid we were allowed to have a tiny glass of cider on Xmas day. That was all. I don't think it's necessary otherwise.

I think the drinking age should be lowered to 18, simply because that is the age that someone is generally considered an adult. At 18, a person can join the armed forces and potentially give their life in service of this country, but they can't drink a beer.

Yes! I don't have any interest in getting drunk and acting stupid, but I would like to be able to order a glass of wine while out to dinner. My parents think that introducing alcohol at a young age teaches kids to be responsible, and therefore the "forbidden fruits" of alcohol don't call to them immediately at age 21.
In Europe, it's not even a huge deal.
Teens here brag about swiping liquor from their parents, and they undoubtably get caught getting drunk with their friends.
I think if the parents sat them down at a young age and said "Here is some wine- not a big deal", then they would have a different opinion.
Alcohol isn't just for getting drunk, and that's what all the ignorant people here need to learn.

As a parent, I think you can take two different approaches to this. One, take the taboo factor out at an early age, so they see, its not that great. Second, become tea totlers and end up with totally screwed up kids who rebel. Certainly, you don 't give babies or small kids alcohol ever. As kids get older, say in the teen, college years, you allow them to try a small amount in your presence, and let them see what its all about, then take the key to the liquor cabinet and wear it like jewlelry. You dont allow parties at your home unless you are there to monitor them, and then you are in a sling if things go wrong. Its also your legal problem if kids end up driving home drunk and crash thier cars. Is it worth it? No. You have to let kids know, family gatherings are one thing, when parents can monitor how much a kid drinks(cut with soda or juice), and anything else is off limits. Not what parents what to hear, but should.

yeah, when they turn 19,as the law states!duh!

no i was given drinks at age 8 by normal non alcoholic parents and i became alcoholic i knew at age 8 i loved it

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