How much would i have to drink to get drunk?!


How much would i have to drink to get drunk?

Its smirnoff (grape) and i am a 19 year old female weighing 112 lbs. Put it this way it took me 3 shots of barcadi to get me wasted and another night it took 5 shots of windsor for the same result. But how many 16 oz smirnoffs to get me drunk?

112 pounds? Smirnoff? Mmm, I'd say about 3 or 4. Maybe 5, depends.

It all really depends on your weight. And if it was only 3 shots to get you WASTED, then I'd say about 4 Smirnoffs because they're just foo-foo drinks.

(Sorry if I sounded rude. Just giving what I know!)

Do them all at once. That will jump start one hell of a buzz. Get a girlfirend to drive u home though.

112 lbs.-3 shots easy, don;t space them out.
In all honesty, if I were you, I would be kicking back some yagerbombs... Red bull and Yager, sweeter and not meaner.

You're underage. How about being smart and not drinking at all? Being drunk isn't cool and aiming to get drunk just for the sake of getting drunk is effing stupid.

To even ask a question like this tells me not much.

i admire your rebelious spirit! CHUG A LUG

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