Smoke Weed or Drink Alcohol?!

Question: In your opinion which is more harmful?

Answers: In your opinion which is more harmful?

My opinion is both are harmful in their own rights but, although I don't touch alcohol, it's ruined my life in many ways So I say alcohol.Why do you ask hun?


Smoke weed-anyway,what's with the 'or'?

Alchohol over the long term is much worse. Weed though will harm your brain over time.


both bad, but you cant get arrested for drinking.



Alcohol,,,, but then I would say that,,,

well i stopped drinking alcohol 25yrs ago.. but i do like my weed...

yes, i know its psychologically damaging, but compared to alcohol, weed wins.. every day, and in every way.


I don't know. I tried being in a relationship with a guy who did both and its hard to say which was responsible for what out of his revolting, controlling, unbearable, oppressive, Jekyll and Hyde character. Now I stay away from people who do either.

Alcohol because you could get alcohol poisoning and when you get drunk you can't remember what happend.

Both if you really want to spin out!
Bacon is bad for your health if you believe the headlines so everything in moderation is allright.
Too much of either and you can't think or speak properly!

definitely alcohol which i find odd because it's legal.

booze is more harmful


People become physically addicted to alcohol whereas weed only causes a psychological addiction. The harmful effects on your body are also greater for alcohol. I smoke and drink but i do it at the right times.. like when i do not have important things to do. Do both in moderation and you will be fine

Alcohol is by far more harmful to your body.

A bit of what you fancy does you good

depends on quantity and what previous problems you have.

weed kills your brain
alcohol kills your liver

so just have both

Neither. A nice cuppa does it for me.

Both are equally just as damaging to your body, mind, liver, bodily functions. Severe Brain Damage (suffers from CRS).

If you are asking which is more harmful so you can do the other then why do either?

Especially when you are behind the wheel.

Booze every time!
The city centres are full of fighting drunks each night, I've yet to see stoners fighting, its all love. peace and can't be ars ed!

Alcohol will destroy your liver. Marijuana will kill your ambition, give you a bad attitude and make you generally stupid. Both do a significant amount of harm. A person would be wise to avoid them both. By the way, it is very harmful, in my opinion to be put in jail. Marijuana is illegal.

I know alcohol is more damaging to your liver and may cause future health problems if you abuse it. I was once told that weed was not addictive and i dont know why i even decided to start smokin it but i have notice that i cant quit now and i have been smoking for 2 years str8. I have noticed a big change in me. I noticed that i get depressed way to much, to to much and often. And guess what weed does? It messes with your brain. And where does depression start? In your brain. I think that depression is more common when you smoke way to much cause i seem to get depressed way to much and way to often especiaaly if im not high. I wish i would of never touched that drug that i once thought wasnt that bad.

Probably the weed because smoking short term can cause lung problems faster than drinking can cause liver problems. Also since weed is illegal you impose the chances of getting arrested and having a record.

Alchohol, i find when i smoke weed i feel really out of it in the morning, even if its only a little bit.
I notice my mates tend to get a little more stressy when they go through stages smoking it.
Alcholol is the daddy, nice cold pint on the beach lovely... Think i'm going to have one now

Booze is far worse.Skin up!

well, to be honest.. both in time... but, if you are unemployed and looking for a job weed will be harmful during the hiring process(NO JOB!!!) so you have a choice alcohol or weed? and if there is a test involved stick with the alcohol because you cant scramble anything from a brain that's high... at least you can slur your answers..

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