What are some things you can mix with Vodka?!


What are some things you can mix with Vodka?

Belvedere, I had a friend go pick some up, he advised it said it was good, what are some things you can mix it, besides orange juice?

Can pop(soad) be mixed? Can you drink it straight or do you have to do shots?, Not a big Vodka drinker?

i like the combo of cranberry and orange juices. pineapple juice is also good with vodka.

Clamato Ceaser #1

I've tried it with just about anything, from milk to V-8 juice!!!Hic!

Mix it with just about any fruti juice. Mix it with Kahlua and milk for a White Russian. You can also just drink it on the rocks, or make a vodka Martini.

cranberry juice. my parents used 2 drink it all the time when i was little.

Vodka by definition is a neutral spirit. That means it has no real flavor, so it'll take on the flavor of whatever you mix it with. There are many Vodka drinks with varying mixers. To name a few: Vodka & Tonic, Grayhound (w/Grapefruit Juice), Cape Cod (w/Cranberry Juice), Bloody Mary (w/Tomato Juice and other seasonings). I suppose you could mix it with Coke, Pepsi, or even Mountain Dew if you must. I've even seen folks mix it with Red Bull so they can keep going when it's getting late.


Diet Mountain Dew.....don't knock it till you try it!!! My sister tried this one night because there was no other mix...it's one of our faves now!!!

Just pour an ounce or so in a glass with ice, pour the soda over it and stir....You can make it as weak as you like....

You may also want to try tonic water....ounce or so of tonic, big squirt of fresh lime and an ounce or so of vodka....I love vodka tonics!!!

Vodka can be mixed with anything...in fact, good vodka like Belvedere should have almost no taste at all and should taste like whatever you mix it with.

Kansas City Ice Water:
1 part Vodka, 1 part Gin, 2 parts Sprite, 2 parts sour (Squirt), 1 slice lemon, 1 slice lime - my favorite

Lemon Drop:
1 shot vodka, 1 slice lemon dipped in suggar. Shoot vodka, suck lemon


Vodka is a great item to add to many things. Martinis are very popular... Also try and juice...grape juice...prickly pear juice..

You can add it to tonic with a lime. Many things...feel free to experiment.

I think watermelon and vodka is really nice. put in a blender watermelon, ice, 1 cup of water with 3 tablespoons of sugar desolved in and blend. put vodka in glass tip in this mixture. Add a little fresh mint if youve got it.

Anouther fun thing is to put a hole in a watermelon at the top. tip in a bottle of vodka, put the peice you cut out back in and give a little shake side to side, put the watermelon in the freezer.for at least 4 hours

oh the possibility's are endless!!!! any soda or juice if you mix cran and grapfruit and vodka is good.... i like it with gingerale........its an easy alcohol to mix with

Kool-aid most any flavor

This probably sounds crazy, but soak skittles in some of the vodka. The skittles will disintegrate and make a sweet and very colorful drink...unless you mix it together well, then it will burn brown One drunken night we spilled some vodka on a bowl of skittles. It made a really pretty color so somebody decided to just pour a whole bunch of the vodka into the bowl. Viola, we created a new drink! :-)

I like it with lemonade or limeade.

Bloody Mary
1? fl oz (37 ml) vodka
4 fl oz (100 ml) tomato juice
1 dash(es) lemon juice
? teaspoon(s) Worcestershire sauce
4 drops Tabasco sauce
ice cubes as required
salt and pepper to taste
1 wedge(s) of lime

fl oz (50 ml) vodka
3 teaspoons brown sugar
4 ice cubes crushed
the juice of 6 lime wedges

1 fl oz (25 ml) Vodka
2 fl oz (50 ml) grapefruit juice
3 ice cubes
1 orange slice(s)

fl oz (50 ml) vodka
5 fl oz (125 ml) orange juice
ice cubes as required
2 slices of orange

Sea Breeze
1 fl oz (25 ml) vodka
1? fl oz (37 ml) cranberry juice
1? fl oz (37 ml) grapefruit juice
4 ice cubes crushed
1 slice(s) of lime

Cranberry Juice,

Ugh, I wouldn't drink vodka straight, even if it was the good stuff. I love Cape Cods, which is just cranberry juice and vodka. Lemon Drop martinis are good. Vodka Gimlets are good (I'm sorry, I don't know what's in them).
Also, try www.webtender.com. You can find recipes that people have made themselves (sometimes even made up themselves). You can also search for a drink recipe based on the ingredients you have.

Vodka is my preferred hard alcohol beverage, since it lacks most of the hangover-causing impurities that whiskey, tequila and rum posess, and also because it is comparitively tasteless, so it mixes well with other fluids in order to create innocuous-tasting drinks that will get you seriously drunk in short order. This is a good thing if, like me, you enjoy the effects of hard alcohol but not the taste.

* POG. That is, Passion-Orange-Guava juice. The stuff that comes in half-gallon cartons and has a cute little furry creature emblazoned on it. This is, from what I've discovered, by far the best vodka mixer of all time. The stuff is amazing! I've put up to five shots of vodka in a glass, with an equal or slightly greater amount of POG, and not been able to taste the vodka. Understand that I was stone-cold sober at the time. Unfortunately, I was also stone-cold sober when I finished drinking the glass. My tolerance must have really gone up in the last two years.
* Sprite. I have a number of friends who swear by this one. I find that Sprite and Vodka (nicknamed "rocket fuel" by the folks at Freak Manor) ends up tasting like lime-flavored soda water with a bit more of a kick than I'd necessarily like. Not as good as POG, but it works.
* Coke. What can I say? Cola mixes well with just about anything.
* Vodka, straight. Every once in a while, you feel a small spot of masochism come on.
* Redbull. I've had Redbull, and I've had vodka, but I haven't actually had them together, so this is strictly secondhand... but I can imagine that they'd go well together, and the caffeine of Redbull would go a long way to counteract the sleepiness that alcohol induces, allowing one to party harder and longer. If that's your thing.
* Kahlua and cream. This drink is known as the "White Russian". Odd, considering White Russians are usually some shade of brown (depending on the Kahlua-to-cream ratio). Tasty, if you like thick, sweet drinks. I prefer my alcohol a bit lighter than this, personally, as creamy alcoholic drinks make me a tad nauseous. I can't get away from them, though, as they're my girlfriend's favorite drink.

Mixing with cranberry is my favorite, but any fruit juice that you like. Vodka, melon liquor and vodka is good if you like sweeter drinks. Also, chocolate martinis, which are vodka and Godiva (or any other chocolate liquor) are very good.

Cranberry juice (Ocean Spray). Try with Cran-Grape...it's tastes like a grape Tootsie Roll Pop!

you haven't lived till you tried it with alize.

Cheese, pepper, oatmeal, mustard, pickle juice, urine or anything else that will mix or dissolve.

I second on the red bull. It tastes like a smartie.

We had some at my sister-in-law's bachelorette party.

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