Best food to eat before getting drunk.?!

Question: I have a x-mass party this Friday and it is a free bar, what can I eat that will soak up the booze and keep my sober for as long as possible,

Answers: I have a x-mass party this Friday and it is a free bar, what can I eat that will soak up the booze and keep my sober for as long as possible,

If you know you're going for a big one then get yourself down to Neal's Yard Remedies or most Health food stores and buy some Milk Thistle tablets. They help clean the liver and you won't get as bad a hangover. Before you go out, have something heavy on carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes etc. to soak up the booze. Avoid shots (they're such a waste of money anyway and over in a second), stick to light coloured drinks such as white wine or vodka and lemonade. Dark coloured drinks such as Vodka and coke and red wine give you a headache. Half way through the evening, if its possible, go out for some chips, a hot dog or a burger (or even a sandwich from a corner shop) or order some from the bar you're in. When you feel you're already merry, order a bottle of water from the bar and swig that while you're dancing and then you can go back to drinking later. When you get home, drink as much water as you can handle and when you wake up have an Alka Seltzer XS tablet in some water. Drink Lucozade and have a proper breakfast - McDonalds Sausage McMuffin usually does it for me. If you're not up for going out then a good old fry up or a pot noodle should suffice!

Stodge is the word.

if you're planning on getting drunk then don't bother eating. and nothing soaks up the booze.

Just eat, it doesn't really matter. Bread like products give me a little more peace of mind but I don't really believe they work any better then say a bag of carrots. If you want to remain sober for a while then simply pace your drinking, getting drunk isn't a contest.

milk, milk milk milk

Pasta, potatoes, rice and bread! Starches mainly I find are the best soaker upper of alcohol. might be just a myth...but my mother always told me to drink a glass of milk line the stomach!

The best way to stay sober as long as possible is to drink little or NO alcohol. Life is so much more fun without it.

I think it is all a myth. Whatever alcohol you consume must be processed in your liver, no matter what you eat.

The best thing to eat so you don't fall down after 5 drinks is bread, potatoes etc. stodgy stuff
the best thing to eat if you want to get drunk fast is nothing all day before you go drinking, you will be getting there after 1 drink

There are myths about eating eggs, milk and dairy products to line your stomach, but all it really does is make you less sensitive to how much your drinking, so in the end you could end up worse.
The best remedy is to drink as much water as possible. A glass between each alcholic drink will not only keep you that little bit more sober, but also make it less likely that you wake up with a stinking hangover.
Have a good time!

I'd say bread is the best thing along with a glass of milk or milkshake, don't know why, maybe just an old wives tale, but it makes me feel better!

eat pizza...!

Super Size Big Mac Mcmeal

I had an indian a few saturdays ago, and i was planning going to a few pubs after but just went home because i just wanted to lie down, was so bloated, which made me feel fat! So i would say rather than eat a lot just pace yourself, maybe alternate alcohol with fizzy drinks?


lots of yogurt just before it helps soak up the alcohol.....and lines your stomach....felices fiestas

None! Eat normally, otherwise you will just end up feeling / being sick.
The only thing that will keep you sober is to pace your drinking, and take spirits with LOTS of mixer, and alternate drinks with soft drinks. Sorry to be boring, but less alcohol is the only thing that makes you less drunk!
Don't forget the kebab/burger/chips on the way home though! Best part of a drunken night out!

Potatoes work pretty good for this also any bread product such as a nice large sandwich. Eating small amounts of snack while doing the drinking will help some too. But the best way to stay sober as long as possible is to not drink more than two drinks per hour.

normally, i would be having either pizza or wholemeal sandwich before heading for the bar! and it somehow helps keeping me sober throughout the session! and yeah, as the others mentioned, you need to drink plain water a lot in between so that you wont get drunk too fast!

pasta,bread ,milk, banana. just make sure you drink a pint of water be four you go to bed (save the hangover) have a great night and merry Christmas

Porridge,It tastes the same coming up as it did going down.


you can eat all you like.

Pasta, macaroni and cheese. A really big sandwich.

Surprisingly, everyone says to eat a lot of carbs. What works for me is a big, juicy ribeye or porterhouse steak. The steak is protein and it stays in your stomach longer to be digested. I find that it helps to prevent the alcohol from absorbing as fast and I can drink more and longer. If you eat carbs, those carbs turn into sugar that you are mixing with the drink of your choice that night, which is also sugar. The total sugar you take in is what makes you feel a hangover the next morning. The alcohol also dries you out over the course of the night. I will eat a steak and drink all night with no problem. As a matter of fact, I ate 2 ribeyes last weekend and ran up a $170 tab at the bar by myself.
Good times!!!

Mash potato.

Pint of milk..........slowly before you head off.

Have a bl00dy good time.

Merry Christmas.........xxxx

Step One Eat before you go out. A meal in your stomach will slow the absorption of alcohol by your body. Choose proteins and fats for your pre-libation meal and continue to eat throughout the evening.

2Step Two Choose the right drink. Do not choose drinks that are made with carbonated mixers or those containing artificial sweeteners. Instead, choose drinks that are served with ice, and stick to one kind of drink. Do not use a straw; sip your drink slowly.

3Step Three Have a word with the server. Quietly ask him or her to go easy on the alcohol when mixing your drinks.

4Step Four Mingle. People who sit and drink often do not realize they are drunk until they stand up. To avoid this, stay on your feet; walk around and talk to people.

5Step Five Allow enough time. Space your drinks an hour apart, and finish the last one 90 minutes before you leave the party.

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