Why, when i drink alcohol do i forget everything about the night out the next day??!

Question: Im 27 yr old female and always had this prob! Even if i only drink a small amount some of my memory is still wiped so if im on a big night out i never remember anything the next day - not good! Why does this happen? And with the festive season ahead is there anyway to avoid this (apart from not drinking at all!!) Help!

Answers: Im 27 yr old female and always had this prob! Even if i only drink a small amount some of my memory is still wiped so if im on a big night out i never remember anything the next day - not good! Why does this happen? And with the festive season ahead is there anyway to avoid this (apart from not drinking at all!!) Help!

walk around with a cam corder attatched to you, you can enjoy the night before the morning after and capture the memorys

i would not drink at all if that was me

regards x kitti x

this only happens when you drink too much

advice: dont drink sooo much!

i watched a doc about drinking and its effects a few weeks back but i dont remember the scientific fact to why you actually forget info

because, you drank 3 litres of vodka, that might have something to do with it.

You are drinking too much. although you may seem reasonably in control and not be falling down drunk it could be that you have some much in your system your crain is literally numb - try less regular drinking or avoid binge drinking and you should find it helps.

cos you drink far too much if you drank less you would enjoy yourself more and remember it

Everyone reacts differently to alcohol, so it may just be that you have a low threshold for it. If you feel you must have a drink this Christmas (and I certainly wouldn't want to deny you that!), why not try alternating each alcoholic drink with water? This should help dilute it in your system, and cut down on the morning-after side effects. I'd suggest a trial run first though!

Alcohol is one of the few chemicals that crosses the blood-brain barrier and some people are more prone to ill effects than others. Many people of Japanese origin, for example, carry a gene that causes them to become quite "drunk" on only a very small amount of alcohol. And women, because of their lower body mass, can drink proportionately less than men anyway.

When you do not remember anything after you have had something to drink, you are having what is called a "black out" - and those can be extremely dangerous. Waking up the next morning & not recalling anything is the least of your worries. Think about things like driving a car, picking up an STD from someone you don't even remember having sex with and so on.

Under the best of circumstances, a general rule of thumb for anyone is no more than one alcoholic beverage of any kind per hour and stop drinking at least one full hour before you are going to drive. Because you already know that you have a problem, limit yourself to just one or two drinks for the entire evening. (You can carry a tonic water around the rest of the time.) And make very sure that you have a non-drinking designated driver as an escort!

If this happens to you after a glass of wine then whether you like this answer or not you should avoid alcohol totally. I have no idea what you consider a small amount, but if it wipes our your memory that is a very dangerous thing. A great many people don't have to drink alcohol to have a good time, in fact, most people don't have to imbibe to be happy maybe they do but it is really a depressant. Perhaps you might think about the company you keep. If you don't remember, they can say anything they want and you have no defence to offer.

Well the answer is simple really...avoid the shooters and drink more vodka with mixers!!!! get in there!!!! woop woop!! xx

Just keep doing what you are doing. If you can't remember the night out the next day, you must have been having a great time.
Just a sidenote...sometimes it is better not being able to remember the night before. I know I have been guilty of going home with "the fat girl" at least a few times and I am glad I cannot remember those times.
As far as avoiding these episodes, use the camera on your phone or bring a camcorder to tape some of the festivities. I sometimes do this in the clubs and bars that I go to and watch them the next night.
Good times!!!

the brain as to sort out all the chemicals in your body and with all that work forget about memory

Plain and simply you are drinking far too much too fast, the body is unable to break down the alcohol, therefore you end up with more alcohol in your blood than oxygen, DANGEROUS OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boyfriends and friends get tired of 'babysitting' so I would seriously think about what happens when you go out.

One of the reasons I stopped drinking 5 years ago is because I blackout.

You′re drinking a lot! Try to take a month break drinking....

because you are a light weight

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