My newphew 15 i think he's a alcoholic what do i do?!

Question: he dinks at least 8 litre bottles of blue label vodka a week

Answers: he dinks at least 8 litre bottles of blue label vodka a week

it is a good thing that he is close enough to confide in you. Do not be angry with him but try and contact the community alcohol service in your area. They will be the best point of contact for you and your nephew.

If he really cannot stop the drinking, then he is an alcoholic, but remember that it is then not a choice, but an illness. Encourage him, expect "fallings of the waggon", he needs to then just brush himself down and start again.

I am rather concerned that he can get his hands on this stuff. If he is buying it then you need to report the sellers who could have their licences revoked.

I wish you both good luck.

tell his parents!!!
If he really has an alcohol problem he'll need to see his doctor first of all

Get real, he'd be dead.

call the cops

Talk to your sister/brother and tell her what you are seeing. If she does nothing then you talk to him and try and help him.

Tell him about the bad effects of Alcohol. Give him other drinks like juice or something...

thats too much!!
tell his parents! and he is only 15!!

He probably doesn't drink that much but he obviously drinks to excess. on the other hand he does need some help. speak to someone from alcohol concern they will know the best way to deal with this. Just telling him the consequences will not be enough but these people are professionals and will know what path to take to help your nephew.Get help soon.

Let him drink himself to death. Problem solved !!

ween him onto jack Daniels

I am absolutely agree with elizadushku.
Your nephew will be dead if he drinks 1 L of vodka, I am not saying about 8 L per week! It is more then 1 L a day...
I think he just tries to impress you or his mates.
Had you ever seen him completely drunk? Be cause if he drinks at least 300 gr he'll be totally in out

Takes away his pok e' mon cards? I dunno, how is a 15yr old getting a hold of vodka anyways?

Buy him a case for Christmas.

He'll love ya.

Geez, tell his parents (your sis or bro) and let them handle it. Just be supportive if hes forced to go to rehab, also, don't give him money and keep alcohol locked up when hes around.

that is alot for his parents not to know if thy know and don't care get him out of that house now even at my heaviest drinking i have been sober 8mo now i was only drinking half of that around 1.5qt a day a litter is crazy for a 15 yr old he needs help at that level of drinking he will nee to be in a detox word it could kill him stop drinking all at once i was drinking around 5 litters a week plus the beer and detox was ruff on my own if this is for real get him help

Get him to AA or rehab asap, he won't see his twenties at that rate.

tell his parents.

i don't believe any one should come down hard on him in anyway-- he seems to have admitted he as some sort of problem and is reaching out for help so there is no need for anyone to make him feel even worse than he may already--- i know there are meetings for young people he could attend and even maybe having him to talk to someone about a treatment program--- if he does not get help now than this problem could grow into something even more serious

Yeah talk to the parents, but remember he is at the age where experimentation and peer pressure is high, i was drinking mainly every school night when i was that age, and im normal, gota job, doin a degree, good social life etc n im not a raving alcoholic by any stretch of the imagination! Dont fret!

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