Xmas party tips - how to not get so plastered u look like a fool/feel like cr*p the morning after?!

Question: Going to an Christmas party tomorrow to celebrate the end of the uni term, the drinking is starting at around 6pm, I'm a total lightweight but don't wanna act like a teetotaler, so how can I avoid getting so drunk I embarass myself and also not have an awful hangover? What kinda stuff do you suggest eating before to slow down the absorption of alcohol since we'll be starting early!

Answers: Going to an Christmas party tomorrow to celebrate the end of the uni term, the drinking is starting at around 6pm, I'm a total lightweight but don't wanna act like a teetotaler, so how can I avoid getting so drunk I embarass myself and also not have an awful hangover? What kinda stuff do you suggest eating before to slow down the absorption of alcohol since we'll be starting early!

Eat something bland and filling like pasta before you start. Pasta provides slow-release energy to keep you going and slow the absorption of alcohol.

Catch a couple of hours sleep in the afternoon if you can. Your tolerance to alcohol is lowered if you're tired.

Space your drinks out. Drink a glass of water between alcoholic drinks. The major cause of hangover is DEHYDRATION!! Alcohol dehydrates you. So drink a glass of water in between. Carry a bottle of water in your bag if its easier and sip it in between rounds.

Don't mix your drinks if you can help it.

Avoid shots, especially the really vile ones like Aftershocks, Corky's Vodka shots etc. They are just full of crap and are just a hangover in a glass. Alcopops like WKD are also full of crap (just look at the colour of them) and will make you feel rubbish the next day.

Stick to one type of drink if you can - Bitter/Ale has less additives than lager and so will leave you with less of a hangover.

If you are drinking shorts - whiskey, vodka etc, make sure you get plenty of water to drink because these concentrated forms of alcohol are really dehydrating.

Just know your limits. Don't try to "keep up" with those you're with. There's nothing to be ashamed of in just saying "I've had enough for the moment, I'll stick to Cokes for a while". Someone who can know their limits deserves more respect than someone who drinks until they can't stand up and spends the next day worshipping the Porcelain God and praying they didn't do anything too embarrassing!

Alternate between booze and soft drinks - put a drink down and lose it deliberately - eat before you go out.

dont drink

Drink tons of water before bed. That will reduce hangover.

Eat a crap load of carbs, like pasta, bread or french fries.

a) it'll soak up all the booze
b) you'll be too full to hammer down the drinks


For every alcoholic drink you have, have 2 soft drinks. you can always keep one alcoholic drink back so that you can show people you are drinking this lessens the pressure on you to drink.

eat pasta, carbohydrates which bulk up and absorb some of the alcohol.

a pint of water when you get in at night will help re-hydrate you as it is de-hydration what gives you the hangover

alternate between drinks eat something with bread and take ibuprofen before bed

stay off the shots

Drink milk / eat dairy products beforehand. Also drink water inbetween alcoholic drinks- a lot of hangovers are caused due to the fact alcohol acts like caffeine and dehydrates you. If you manage to get a pint of water down before bed, you'll feel it far less in the morning.

the best way is to pace yourself with your drink don't just throw it down your throat to look clever or big in the end if you pace yourself with your drinking you will feel a lot better in the morning and people will respect you more be prepared to say no thanks and don't be ashamed to say those words

eat something really heavy and drink loadsa water during the day so ur not thirsty!! Drink crap like bacardi breezer or something they never get people drunk!! But why dont you get drunk? everyone else will be!! just make sure your not the first one!! And remember before you go to bed ALWAYS down two pints of water and leave some beside your bed for during the night!!It will stop dehydration and you wont get that horrible headache in the morning!! You should wake up fresh as a daisy!! it works for me!

I'm the same!

Like the others have said, try having a soft drink when you're feeling like you're getting a bit tipsy.

Get something like diet coke or lemonade if you think you're gonna get grief off your mates because then you can tell them that there's a vodka or Jack Daniels or whatever in it, that's what I've started doing, then a bottle of water on the way home to wash down your kebab or greasy weapon of choice.

Have fun!!

i always drink one glass of water to every drink.... so it looks like i am double fisted but its water in 1 hand, this cuts down on the hangover..... I would stay away from the hard alcohols as they mess you up pretty quickly.... eat a meal, not a snack before drinking..... something with carbs to soak up the alcohol in your stomach..... drink something your not really crazy about so you dont drink so fast....... and no mixing... if you start with wine, stick with wine, beer..... stick with beer.... this is a hangover waiting to happen.....

Drink plenty of water as well as the booze

eat alot of bread and take youre time drinking

If you eat alot before you start drinking, its harder to get wasted. Pros + Cons, for example I have a work Chrsitmas party, will drink a lot but eat alot as well. My best suggestion would be to stop being such a *****

go to the bar tender and tell HIM (IT) to fix your drink without and tip him ( well ) don't let the drink out of your hand,,
Even if you order an alcoholic drink.JUST hold it..
That is where the cliche "you don't know how to hold your liquor" came from...
Plus ,,,if your stupid enough to get drunk YOU won't get laid...?

walk around with a martini glass of seltzer or a glass of ginger ale or cranberry juice with a slice of lime. when the party is over, get a drink if you must. you pulled it off, so celebrate.

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