What's your best hangover cure?!


What's your best hangover cure?

If you're going to say something about not drinking.... you will get a big thumbs down.

My best cure is a cup of peppermint leaf tea. Any other ideas?

i've been drunk a number of times and my cure for hangovers? Advil ( ibuprofen )tablets drank with a cold & tall glass of water, then i eat a cup of ice cream, any flavors will do, savor the ice cream for about 30 minutes then viola! my hang over disappears!:-) oops! i've read the answers, correction to those who plan to drink aspirins or advil or tylenol before you drink alcohol- DONT! drink those the day after.. you wouldn't want to go into a comma or something...and for crying out loud, dont take a shower, hot or cold, before you go to sleep when you are drunk! do it when you feel like it the next day!or you'll shiver & your knees will buckle and bump!trust me, i've seen a lot...


Don't drink

ice water and excedrine...dark room and sleep.

smoke a fat doob, eat some greasy food, like pizza. green tea won't hurt either

an older friend of mine swears by Ice Cream. She says after you finish drinking, eat ice cream before you go to bed and no hangover in the morning.

Sleeping through the entire day without waking up or getting out of bed. This eliminates the need to pee every 10 seconds, the feeling of getting sick, and the feeling of not wanting to look at/smell food.

I've never tried them but I know that there are pills you can take to prevent hangovers. Sounds pretty bad but the one time I had a hangover I chewed 3 Excedrin and ate some of those soup crackers. I felt like crap for about 30 minutes but after that I was at least functioning to the point no one knew I had a hangover.

i know the last thing you want when you have a hangover is to pop the top again, but if you drink a beer it will make u feel much better.

best way to avoid a hangover is to make yourself sick and get all of it out before u go to sleep... and then take a few asprin/ibuprophen/tylenol whatever.

I haven't found the perfect cure yet. But, I usually do one of two things: (1) go out and eat a bunch of greasy junk food, then pass out on the couch all day. Or, if I actually want to try and be productive, (2) take a multi-vitamin and a tylenol, drink a big thing of gatorade, and try to keep drinking lots of water all day long.

If I'm really ambitious, I'll go for a run. The run will suck, but once it's over, most of the worst of the hangover (except the tiredness) will be gone.

Accupressure. Pinch between your big toe and the next toe.

I have a couple of remedies...

1. Alka Seltzer Morning Relief (designed for hangovers)- Has aspirin for the headache and caffeine for the grogginess and alka seltzer itself settles the stomach.

2. A cup of green tea and a couple of advils. A slice of dry toast with honey (to settle the stomach), and LOTS of water!

good luck.

I found that most of my hangover symptoms are a result of the dehydration from the alcohol. If I drink enough to have a hangover, It also means I wake up several times during the night to pee. So, each time I wake up, I drink a big glass of water. I know, it does make me pee more also, but, when I do this, I don't have any hangover!! I also learned that bottle beer is much better than keg beer as far as a hangover goes.

Dont wast your time with hangovers, stay drunk


either more alcohol if you can or gatorade it works for me i know people who swear by milk but it just doesnt seem right to me

smoke some herbal, and down a nice double bloody mary. or you can be a puS$y about it and drink some gatorade and take some ibuprofen, although you may get a yeast infection that way.

more alcohol

Prior preparation for drinking is the best cure for a hangover.

Before you drink, eat something that has carbs so it can help your body absorb the alcohol.

Drink more water than alcohol. Keep drinking water even after you have stopped drinking.

Right before you go to bed, take two Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, something and drink a BIG glass of water.

As the poster above said, every time you get up in the middle of the night, drink another glass of water.

Drink top-shelf when you drink.. drink the good stuff.. most of the time, it has less impurities, so the hangovers are much lighter than they would be with the cheap stuff.


take 2 advil before you go to bed....and drink alot of water! wake up feeling fine!!!! =)

a stiff drink

I swear by Orange Juice and a greasy Hamburger later for lunch---always does the trick for me!!

Chocolate milk - lots of it

A really greasy burger, a couple of advil, and lots of ice cold water.

no drinking is the best cure.
try some herb.

When you a really drunk, you always wake up in the middle of night. When you wake up, drink a large glass of ice water and asprine or advil. Then go back to sleep. When you wake, take a cold shower, hot shower can make you pass out. Then I eat a greasy meal. Works everytime

the best thing you could do is drink a small part of the last drink you had and take it slowly...then wait for a couple of minutes before you take a not to cold shower...if possible warm shower slowly going to cold.Then take 2 glasses of alkaline water.

first get up and take a shower then eat something greasy
with bread and lots of water, a hangover is caused by

Gatorade and a nap

This Thai Restaurant called Ochas here in Los Angeles.. serves the best Chicken Mushroom Soup... it cured my hangover.. Good Ol' Days!

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