How to sober up fast?!

Question: I just drank 2 glasses of wine after not eating anything all day, and im feeling drunk. I ate some food afterwards(chicken and potatoes) but im still feeling drunk. How to sober up before my parents come home and see me drunk?? I have a couple of hours.

Answers: I just drank 2 glasses of wine after not eating anything all day, and im feeling drunk. I ate some food afterwards(chicken and potatoes) but im still feeling drunk. How to sober up before my parents come home and see me drunk?? I have a couple of hours.

I assume that you've learned from this experience... and the next time you feel like a glass of wine or two, break out the cheese and crackers first while asking yourself the question, "Is this the wise thing to do?" And you didn't say how old you are... are you legal?

The traditional remedy is strong black coffee, but I read recently that a study showed that it didn't do much to counteract the effect of the alcohol. Apparently only time really reverses the physiological effects of "drunk."

Have an aspirin or Tylenol with a glass or two of water. (Don't forget some mouthwash or brushing your teeth.) Again, this probably won't do much to zap the alcohol, but it will keep you from feeling bad later on. Wish you luck... hope you don't feel like doing it again!

Time is the only thing that will help, but after only two glasses of wine you're Blood Alcohol Level certainly isn't over the legal limit, which is .08%.
Have a little something to eat, that will help you feel a little better. Coffee will only make you a 'wide awake' drinker!
Your body will metabolize, or use up, the alcohol in two hours and you'll be OK.
When your folks get home just act 'normal', work on homework and be busy. Don't breathe in their faces!

It's a myth that eating after you drink helps at all you have to have eaten something before you drink for the alcohol to have a lesser affect on you. I would suggest drinking lots of water and resting. That will sober you up the fastest. They say it takes one hour for your liver to process each drink you have had. Good Luck.

drink a lot of water. it will help flush it out of your system. or you can take a nap and sleep it off.

Water and aspirin

This is an easy question all you can do is drink plenty of water afterwards and before going to bed.

Take a hot shower, a long one, then some fresh air. Its a good enough pick me up to do the trick.

HA im having the same problemm

and im only 14

GO TO BED. eat some bread so it could absorbe some alcohol. you should be sober by morning.

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