Underage drinking?!


Underage drinking?

In general, what are people`s thought about underage drinking?

I think we need to dry and prevent it as much as possible, kids are growing up to fast and need to enjoy being kids really. We need to encourage freedom of expression and encourage thought and hopefully kids will have an outlet to try and express themselves instead of going out and getting wasted.

It's probihited but you can never control the eagerness of a person to drink...

no good at all, they tend to be irresponsible teenages and adults in the future, why cant people wait for the right time!

its underage drinking because adults put a limit on it. if it wasn't a limit then you would have less kids drinking

I think parents ought to be able to give their children small amounts of alchohol under supervision, to teach them about it. Better than their peers!

I think underage drinking is problematic due to our attitudes about it. It's forbidden, so it's cool, and something you can only learn by experience, but there's no safe environment to learn it in. It's cool to get really drunk when it ought to be an embarassment, showing one's lack of control.

In other countries, getting drunk is not cool, and parents can give their kids some wine at about age 16. These countries have fewer problems with underage drinking. It think that's a much healthier approach.

I think if it wast not illeagal, like in other countries, it would not be such a HUGE deal. I do not think drinking is some horrible think as long as people are responsible about it and I think if is was legal for those under 21 they would act more responsibly about it...

well i cant say too much because as a teen i did go to parties and drank!!!! most of the parties that i did go were supervised by adults..... that might not sound good but there where adults there!!!! i think if your teen wants to drink in your supervision then that should be ok

99.9% of people do it. it's a fact of life. underage drinking in america is under 21...yet at 18 you can own a home, go to war, go to prison, yet can't drink alcohol. it really makes sense huh.

Underage Drinking: Should be allowed by any person between the ages of 18-21 who are active in the military service. I think this could be done on base in a semi-controlled setting.

Civilian kids, it should be illegal. These kids are immature enough, we don't need them on alcohol.

I did it, I enjoyed myself, and thank Gawd, nothing bad ever happened to me while I did it.
I have a kid- she is EXTREMELY immature/irresponsible and I wouldn't recommend it for her.
I have given her a sip here and there, as my dad did with me, and I hope she can use it in a celebratory fashion someday- like my family and not a crutch to cure some disfunction that befalls her.
Sorry Colonel- I have known many immature people in the military, but I do think it's only fair that if we could put an 18 year old in that Hell they call Iraq to defend our country, I agree the person should be allowed a cocktail.
Americans and the "moral police" are so immature about sexuality, nudity, free speech and a whole host of other things-it makes me sick. That's why there is so much abuse, lying, and micro-management of other people's lives.

Kids drink because it's exciting, and it's exciting because it's rebellious. There's a big problem with binge drinking here in the UK, I believe that in Europe there's less of a problem, because children in France are allowed some wine with their meals, and they feel less of a need to rebel.

I agree with the other person if there wasn't a limit then kids would drink a lot less. Take a look at Italy and France there is no limits there,& kids grow up drinking wine with dinner and they learn to respect it. That's why there are less acholics and drunks in other countries. People wonder why our country is going to hell, It's b/c you have do be a certain age to do anything quit acting like kids are stupid they know more than you do about the way the world is. the moral is if kids are or future then quit cradling them and make them tough b/c if they aren't tough they will never survive in this American world!

I'm just 15 and I drink sometimes, but I can control it. I believe that's the problem, when people don't realise the amount of alcohol they're drinking.

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