Smoking vs drinking?!


Smoking vs drinking?

Why is it that in the USA you can smoke at age 18 but have to wait till 21 to drink? Smoking has been proven bad with any amount. Drinking has been proven healthy in small amounts. Why are we backwards

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2 months ago
I am actually 23 and didn’t start drinking till I was 22. As for the unhealthy thing. I don’t know how you got that fact but it is actually good to have a beer a day cuz it cleans out the system. Also wine has some very healthy side affects.

2 months ago
also for "at work" i am at work right now. im on break. i accually work for the state.

2 months ago
I am actually 23 and didn’t start drinking till I was 22. As for the unhealthy thing. I don’t know how you got that fact but it is actually good to have a beer a day cuz it cleans out the system. Also wine has some very healthy side affects.

2 months ago
also for "at work" i am at work right now. im on break. i accually work for the state.

it sounds like you were not taking a side on this and just wanted to get the opinions of others. sorry for the hoe that attacked. smoking is bad and only kills you slowly but it also kills others at the same time slowly. so couldn't all smokers be considered murderers. as for drinking i feel that its better than smoking cuz you are right about the health benefits. its just that morons who drink and drive or those who don't have the self control to not drink too much give alcohol a bad name. so those who can control what they drink are punished for the dumb@$$es all around us.

I think you're backwards. You can drink yourself to death in a single sitting. Smoking is a slow drawn out death.

Well, I do them both and they're both unhealthy!

You sound like you're under 21 and can't wait to drink legally. You'll be 21 soon enough, and then you can legally wreck your body and mind along with the rest of us!

The ages were the same before MADD. They put a lot of pressure on policitcian to raise the drinking age. Eventually they did.

no no both are bad for you as far as health to much smoking will kill you in time and drinking does a number on your liver so both are very unhealthy

Smoking doesn't impare your ability to think drive, operate machinery, or affect fine motor skills the way Drinking does, which is why "they" think you need to have more maturity to handle it.

I question why you can join the military at age 18, thereby given a gun or a tank or a rocket launcher and told to go and kill people, but still can't have a beer.

Because then we'd have jobless eighteen year old drunks riding around town all day instead of sitting home in front of their computers asking pointless questions on yahoo.

American's do not believe in freedom.

In America you are not allowed to make your own choices when you are 18.

But you can vote when your 18, so I guess electing the president is less important then having a beer?

... And you can't smoke pot at all, which is the least dangerous of the three!!!

that a good question they should change the smoking to 21 concidering the fact that teens as young as 15 are smoking these days!!!!!!!!

I was going to say the SAME EXACT THING as Becka! We think just alike!

MADD are a bunch of hippocrites- they voted for the ability for small stores to sell alcohol here in MA, all though all of the police stats pointed to the fact that kids and more stores to buy it in didn't make sense.
They vote that way because of all the money from the supermarket lobbies- sick bitches!
I am a drunk driver against mad mothers.
Shut up or put up contradictors!
Smoking sucks- and you pay these b*stards to help kill yourselves- and Kevorkian was imprisoned for being humane?- what a racket!
Just because it's legal, doesn't make it a good choice or right.

Everything in moderation.

Oh, and although you can smoke at 18, most states are making it more and more difficult to smoke anywhere in public.

oh who knows? just don't worry about it. do what you want. I drank myself into alcoholic shock when I was 14 I live in the USA. by the time i was 21 I was sick of drinking I also smoked at 14 and I'm sick of that too. my 2 brothers were killed by drunk drivers and my parents died from cancer and heart disease probably caused by cigarettes according to doctors. hope that helps

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