Is creme de menthe the worst possible alcoholic drink to get drunk on?!


Is creme de menthe the worst possible alcoholic drink to get drunk on?


Not pleasant. All about the mixture.

Possibly; the more sugar, the worse hangover you will have. It also lingers in your system a lot longer.

Slivovic (sp?) is pretty catastrophic! A plum liqueur from the Former Yugoslavia it's mind-numbing stuff.

I can't imagine drinking enough of it to get drunk. It has so little alcohol in it. I think the worst hangovers are from red wine or champagne, but I have heard plum brandy is pretty rough too.

Yes, it's up there with peach schnapps, I think it tastes like nasty mouthwash. Mix it with regular brandy and ice and you have a"Stinger"...............

It is probably one of the worst. You shouldn't drink to get drunk though. That can be dangerous. If you feel you have to get drunk to make a problem go away, try talking to a friend instead.

no.....Mogan David wine specifically MD20-20

you have not experienced puking at it's finest until you have overindulged on this stuff and hugged the porcelein
"GOD" for about four hours...

no - Taboo is!

Yes it is

The only time anyone goes near this stuff is when they are fourteen and their parents have gone out for the evening and they get sick drunk with friends. Sad.

no "Absenth" or something like that i dont know how to spell it its GReEN and its from EUROPe, my buddy brought some frmo there and i was Trippin out.l i took like 3 shots and i wasd really halusinating on the drive home(which i was a passanger) it was weird fellt like i was on some sort of MushROOMS! hahah great experiance. 2bad its illegal in the USA

No. Try rubbing alcohol.

In the late 70s , it was cool for that or """Capari & soda"" and im a bloke::???

To answer your question, in my opinion, I'd say you're right on. Any sweetened mixed drinks, are more likely to make one sicke, especially liquores, which are generally on the syrupy side.. but green? yech!!

I used to be a drinker, and I found the worst drink to get drunk on was port, but not affecting the head , just the body. especially the legs, they just went wobbly & refused to walk. Makes me laugh when I think of that , all very happy sitting round the table with friend′s, then tring to stand up , just could′t move them .

no everclear
way worse
get drunk in one cup
stuff is toxic

Billy Connelly (Scottish comedian) did a joke about this drink:
Two Glaswegians went to Rome to see Celtic play AS Roma in the fotball. They wander it to a bar and ask what the Pope drinks. The barman replies creme de menthe. They then say "geeus two pints o' that". They knock it straight back and order two more, then two more and then two more. At 3am. they get kicked out of the bar and drop drunk into a shop doorway. They wake up at 7.30am with massive hangovers.

One Scot looks to the other and says "See that Pope - well he's a hellova drinker eh?"

no, retsina - greek wine and the most vile in the world

No, "Parfait d′Amour" is 10x worst, but the most dangerous one is Anisette (french) even 2 days after you still can get drunk again by just drinking water...!!!

Not when I was was very sweet and it turned my ever-so-small brain into mush.

youll have a erally bad handover and you have to throw up alot i suggest somethin else like bacardi or vodkawont mess you up that much

have fun!!

Absinthe is absolutley lethal ,only just become avaible here in U.K. but I think Pernod runs it a good second.

Yes, it's not good. Cherry brandy is a filthy drink too. Gives me terrible heartburn and also diorrhea.

But actually the bottle of "Flirt" vodka I have at the back of the cupboard is pretty nasty too. It's the Bulgarian favourite. Read what you will into that.

My friend once had a bottle of French brandy that he got off a ferry, the bottle was shaped like the eiffel tower. Everyone spewed with that.

And, from same booze cruise trip, he bought a bottle of "Che Guervara" white rum which smelt like that stuff you rub into new cricket bats before you use them. That went down the sink and the sink had a shine to it that it hadn't had since it was put in. Horrific. In the nastiness stakes that muck beats the creme de menthe, the Flirt, and the eiffel brandy by a country mile. I'm heaving now at the memory.

I cannot imagine worse luck

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