What happens if you drink under the legal drinking age?!

Question: not legally i mean to your body will it mess up your brain or something? What will happen? can someone please tell me? thanks.

Answers: not legally i mean to your body will it mess up your brain or something? What will happen? can someone please tell me? thanks.

Liver damage is a big problem. It can increase your risk of getting liver damage.Alcoholics have trouble recognizing and avoiding dangerous situations because the area of their brain that is used to appreciate those kinds of concerns is functioning at a reduce level, stunting their ability to perceive danger.Alcohol consumption can induce sleep disorders by disrupting the sequence and duration of sleep states and by altering total sleep time.Prolonged, heavy use of alcohol can lead to addiction (alcoholism). Sudden cessation of long term, extensive alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions. Long-term effects of consuming large quantities of alcohol, especially when combined with poor nutrition, can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. And dont forget the next day hangover which consists of headache, nausea, thirst, dizziness, and fatigue. And alcohol is a depressant. So yea, good luck!

you could be arrested and get in other trouble also...dont ever drive when drinking..

There are a lot of reasons for you guys not to drink. None of them are just us adults being mean and depriving you of a good time.

you go to jail

Alcohol kills brain cells. That means for every drink you take, you lose one IQ point.

It will get you drunk long term affects none really unless you make drinking a reg. thing when your young.

no matter what age you are drinking acohol is always bad for your body.. your brain everything slowly shuts down from the first time...

No matter how old you are it still messes you up in the end. but you can get in trouble if caught..but you don't automatically become safe to alcohol at 21...always vunerable to problems and brain damage.

well drinking at any age will ravage your liver.

It all depends. It depends on how your body reacts to it. Thats why they have a drinking age in the first place. If you are going to drink illegally anyways, drink a small amount till youk now how much your body can handle. But drinking causes liver cancer for anyone. Doesn't matter how old you are. It also becomes addictive and causes mental problems.

You could end up voting democrat

its the beginning of the end.

i think that the youger u start drinking the faster u'll get hucked in it, and the harder it will be to stop.

You either get arrested by the cops or get into a lot of trouble with your parents.

Um......this would be a question for a scientist....LMAO

it can cause poisoning if you drink too much and thats easy to do your first time. drinking hurts your liver. if your indian youre twice as liekyl to be an alcoholic. it impairs youre judgement and the way you think. if youre pregnant its bad for a baby. hope this helps.

It's not good for you to drink until you're a grown up.

Too much alcohol at ANY age can cause serious health problems. It can kill brain cells, cause liver damage among a dozen other health problems. Alcohol in moderation isn't too terrible, but its not even worth it. Believe me.

(some people have naturally).........s..sorry
it can harm the mind and eventually the body and from then on it worsens

It doesn't really have that much more of an effect on you, healthwise, than drinking once you're legal. Of course, a 10-year-old will probably have a few more problems than a 30-year-old would. But there's not some magical threshold that you pass through at 21.

Both drugs and alcohol kill brain cells. This is what give you the affect of being buzzed. Keep it up and get stupid. Your choice.

Why would you ever want to drink? Will something happen to you, probably not. Will you become an alcholic, hopefully not! But one thing I will promise, if you do drink, and get caught, you are in a heap of trouble, especially if you drink and drive!

Alchohol does kill your brain cells!

well here is my answer,
You will get in jail for the rest of your life. you will become a lethargically

drinking is bad for your body under the legal drinking age and above drinking age. you should just stay away from it

Uh, if a child drinks there may be some lasting effects. If a pregnant woman drinks, she may cause FAS in her child. If you are driving under the influence under age, it can cause major problems. If you are irresponsible, you can wind up with alcohol poisoning, blacking out or doing something with lasting consequences due to poor judgment.

You will get pregnant and screw up your entire life. OR you will just drive drunk, kill your best friend and spend your teenage years behind bars.

Sure will, burn out early, by. Uh, look at Hogans son, felon, 17 yrs old, friend, brain dead. Thats the best example I can offer, think about it.

yeah, if you drink under the legal age limit, your head pops off. No, man, nothing happens out of the ordinary, especially if you just drink a small amount. No one should overindulge, no matter how old you are. Don't worry about any physical damage until you drink so much you become dehydrated or too disorientated that you could be taken advantage of or fall and hurt yourself. have fun, you rebel.

nothing, ive been drinking since i was 15 and im more than fine. its the kids who didnt drink in high school who went to college and went totally wild and ended up getting sick and going to the hospital or getting arrested

The age limit is fixed because one has be be fixed. It does not mean yoiu are OK to drink after a particular age. It is bad, bad, and always bad.

Physically, if you drink enough you could become intoxicated. If you drink WAY too much in too short amount of time, you could die of alcohol poisoning. Usually, you either throw up or pass out. Waking up with a hangover is always fun. :p

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