What exactly does it feel like to be drunk?!

Question: also what does the hang over feel like?

Answers: also what does the hang over feel like?

Wow, you have gotten a bunch of horrible answers so far. DARE?!!?! Come on, seriously. The people who made DARE never touched a drug or a drink in their lives, so they have no idea what they are talking about. Anyway, being drunk is really fun. You drink two drinks/beers, whatever and feel a little lightheaded. Then, as you drink more and more, you get blurry vision, you laugh a lot, slur your words a little, your inhibitions start to go away. Everyone lets loose, laughs and has a very good time. People crack jokes on each other, sing, run around, etc. I wouldn't recommend drinking all the time though, that can mess your life up. Stick to drinking on the weekends and probably about once a week and you should be fine. Don't drink alone either. It is much more fun with a bunch of people around you. Hangovers? Well, you have a headache, an upset stomach, irritability, etc. But that usually happens when you drink way too much the night before. You don't get a hang over every time.

It feels like you have to be 21, first of all, because all the evidence says that if you aren′t, you run a much higher risk of becoming an alcoholic, or just doing something really stupid, like getting behind the wheel of a car.

It kind of feels fuzzy for a few drinks, then you get a little silly, then sleepy. I′ve known many people who become depressed while drinking, especially if they started out in a bad mood. Personally, I′m way over that whole thing. Don′t even drink very often at all, and when I do, it′s only a glass or two at dinner. Please be responsible, whatever you do. If you are old enough, be wise, and don′t make any stupid choices. Stay in one place, and don′t get with some dangerous (on any level) people.

I've never been drunk but it feels like you have spun around in a circle 50 times and are trying to walk with out falling over I imagine a hangover feels like a massive head slash stomach ache

misery. it's really awful! (especially the hangover) bad headaches, and nausea.. and dizziness

Hhaha being drunk is fun depending on the people you are with and how drunk you get. If you drink to the point where you can not stand up your screwed. But I think its fun cause you really dont feel anything and you dont think anything is gross I normally lay on the ground and not care lol but its been a while so meh. A hang over you are just lazy may have a head ache and you may puke in the morning if you didnt already the night before. they pretty much suck! Please dont drink and drive be responsible.

when intoxicated from alcohol, your central nervous system is slowed, and your brain is not responding to outward information as quickly. everything seems as though it is in slow motion. dizziness is common too. your perception of pain is dulled. that's why you wake up with lots of bruising with no idea where it came from. you may feel really sexy or aggressive due to increased testosterone levels. a hangover is actually caused by liver byproducts from alcohol metabolism. the more different types of alcohol you mix-the more different types of byproducts you'll have, making the hangover worse. hangover symptoms include nausea, vomiting (in some cases), dizziness, weakness, and a pounding headache. it usually lasts all day.

i get so dizzy when I'm drunk and that's not fun. I can't concentrate and when I'm talking I talk really slow and laugh a lot. It's not the best feeling in the world.

You feel bad. It is better to have one or two drinks and stop until you feel a little effect of alcohol .Being drunk is a terrible feeling. You feel bad and cant have fun and you cant see good, your head spins. Its not good. A hangover is like a bad headache and you feel like you got run over by a train.

ok being drubnknk is like u put on a pair of eye glasses magnified ALOT and then spinning in circles for hours. hang over like barfins and feelign like shi* lol

Well, at the very least being drunk means your coordination and reflexes are slowed, and everything seems kind of fuzzy. If you're in a good mood to begin with it can be accompanied by a warm euphoric feeling and makes you feel more sociable and less inhibited around people, but if you're in a depressed mood it could make you feel worse and may encourage surly or violent behavior. Sometimes, especially if you're alone and just drinking out of boredom, it doesn't really make you feel either good or bad and just gives you a mildly annoying dull feeling.

Everything starts to feel numb-like and your head starts to feel somewhat heavy. Everything around you seems unimportant and suddenly everything seems fascinating and exciting. The morning after can be terrible depending on how much you drank the night before. It can include pounding headaches, vomitting, and basically flu-like symptoms.
You should not drink until you turn 21, and if you do decide to drink make sure it is in a safe environment.

Drunk is fun, unless you are so drunk you are nearly unconscious. That is just stupid and disgusting on anyone. Plain old really buzzed and can't drive, that's a good time. You feel happier, the world is just a little fuzzy, and you feel kinda warm. Hangovers are usually bad, but it depends on the person. Hangovers are mostly caused by dehydration so drinking lots of Gatorade and aspirin helps, and there are those new hangover remedies you take before you drink. The only time being drunk isn't fun is if you're alone. Then it's just pitiful.

please don't drink too much. i almost killed my friends in a car accident last nite. being drunk makes you do really stupid things. i reccomend when you get sort of tipsy slow right down and stay at that level where your just havin fun, dont get sh*tfaced

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