Do teens do drugs more or do they drink alcohol more?!


Do teens do drugs more or do they drink alcohol more?

Alcohol - it's easier to get.

I don't know. Let me check with every teen in the world, and I'll get back you ya on that one. :)

Prob. drink more...i disagree that it's easier to get,i think drugs r easier to get but teens seem to think that since drinking is legal (at the appropriate age) then it isn't harmful,they r not afraid of it....but since drugs r illegal to all of us no matter wut the age then they r more afraid to try them.

I think with teenagers it is a matter of whichever is more available.

shouldn't be doing either, but i would be willing to bet that they drink alcohol more since it is easier to get.

Alcohol is a drug. It is simply in a liquid form and is one of the more popular substances to abuse.

Alcohol for sure, because most of them have it lying around their house. I'd say 30% for alcohol and 6% for drugs.

Iam sorry to say it but i drink and take drugs. and here in Italy many do both . So id say that they do drugs and drink the same.

Neither goes well with driving.

At my school if you do drugs you drank. Which turns this q into which is easier to get. Both are pretty easy, but I know they smoked pot a lottt more then they drank.

Pot for the week, alcohol for the weekends.

I would say alcohol, for what I hear on the news reports.

Unfortunately, most of the teens (as young as middle school) do more drugs. They are into pot and pain killers mostly, but some are into more hard core stuff like meth and cocain. It is really sad.

I think that teens drink more

Ob someone said before its easier to get.
and cheaper (i believe) than drugs.

it's a combination of both i think because high school is alot of peer preasure. And the types of friends they hang around with.There is no real way to stop kids from doing what they want, because in the end they just end up doing what they want anyways.

alcohol--its a fact, because alcohol is very easy to get (parent's cabinet?) and drugs are expensive. Also, alcohol isn't illegal to have.

alcohol. alcohol is spotted everywhere you go at stores at partys at home (sometimes) and there are a lot of commercials on alcohol which convinces them to do it

At the high school college level I feel that alcohol is much more prevelent, because it's easier to access, cheaper, and it's lesss risky. Punishments for underage drinking aren't very sevre and parents/offical will go more lightly or look over such issues more often than drug charges. Also drinking itself is generally less risky and more controllable than drugs.

I would truly like to have a survey taken on teens .I would think that drugs are the highs of today.they can be taken and no one is aware of it.No odor,no evidence,and deadly.I speak from having my heart broken from them a few times in my life.Wouldn't you like to know how a survey went?Thanks for 2.

Well, compared to thirty years ago, teens do drugs more. Drinking ages were lower in the 70's. Today, it is tougher to aquire alcohol without stealing it, compared to drugs which can be bought off the street. A lot more teens are popping pills these days.

To try and stay with the question, though, on average around 40% of teens consume alcohol, compared to probably 30% for all other drugs combined. 30 years ago, it was more like 60% drank and 20% did drugs.

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