Was Jesus an alcoholic?!

Question: I mean I understand, I would develop a habit also if I could change my water to alcohol... But why would he hang around in seedy taverns?

Answers: I mean I understand, I would develop a habit also if I could change my water to alcohol... But why would he hang around in seedy taverns?

It's impossible to become an alcoholic on Manischevitz.

It would make things easier, wouldn't it?

Yes, there is clear evidence of it from biblical writings that Jesus was a lush.

why are people talking about jesus today?

I am hoping this not a real question and if it is......well may God bless you ,but wait he may be drunk right now never mind.

Merry Christmas
Sorry for the sarcasm but it was a dumb question.

heck no

No, he was a traveling plumber.
And he also catered to roadside orange vendors with a Hispanic
background, hence the large Christian following in South America. Wait till the Spanish Inquisition gets you the rack for blasphemy.

No of course Jesus was no alcoholic and I believe ol' Stooge knows it to. He is only cracking a joke, he can't help it, he was dropped on his head at birth, and it's been downhill ever since. Poor guy. <grin>

I like Stooge, I just hope for his sake that God has a sense of humor. LOL

Good question! Jesus was always drinking wine. That′s too bad. But any way, is a very hard issue due to religious people will be very offended, but not me.
I′m not religious and I agree with you. I think Jesus was this kind of person.

That's exactly the point. If I could say "Thai Stick" and have all my lawnmower clippings turn into primo sativa, I don't wanna hear any label like "ganja goof" because the same principle applies when a canine licks his private parts. We'd do it too if we were that flexible. Which we're not. Pity.

You must read Robert Rankin's the Brightonomicon, he sure was. A comedy/sci fi- Gollanz fiction

www. orionbooks.co.uk

I don't know but i think he did enjoy the herb on occasion...

The idea of Jesus turning water into wine is a marvelous example of Roman Catholic literalism. The biblical reference refers to converting non believers to the doctrine of the Jerusalem church. The literalist tradition is alive and well here on Y/A where thousands upon thousands of educated Americans think nothing of believing that Jesus was the result of a virgin birth, the son of God, walked on water and generally carried on like a stone age superman.

Pffft... I turn water into wine all the time, and I'm not an aklomo... akmohol... alkomo.. <burp> I'm not a drunk...

LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The word says Jesus turned the water into wine. Did not say anythang about him dranking it. I would have loved to tasted that wine though. I bet that was the best wine the world has ever known.

of course not ..and he hung around in those places cause thats where the sinners were

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i've always wondered the same thing... i guess with a power like that eh could be easy to abuse. and being the son of God, hhmmm seems a bit pressuring to me so i could see it, yeah.my savior was a a wine junky wwhhhoootttt! (i am protestant, not the Antichrist.)

Yup, that song was equally funny and appalling - in an unintentional Ed Wood's kind of way. Definitely a nominee for worst song ever.

As your Priest, I'm afraid that you may have overspent your Hail Mary cache this time. I see sister Ruth coming with some sort of oar. They don't call her 'Babe' for nuttin'....

Of course Jesus wasn't an alocoholic! What kind of question is that?

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