Will you have a little tipple this afternoon ?!

Question: what will you have ?

will you be hungover for work ?

Answers: what will you have ?

will you be hungover for work ?

I have a Large malt here right now !!

One might be having a wee glass of baileys!! double of course x

Yes some home brew wine at lunch, no idea what the label has come off

I would love to have a little tipple this afternoon, the only problem is is that i am stuck in the middle of the north sea on a dry ship and will be there till after crimbo. You have one for me.

Its 10pm here and i started my little tipple at 9pm...........im still going .................prolly be hung over for work tommorow but i dont start till 10am.........................

i may have a couple of glasses of red with my meal, but no i won`t be hungover.

No tipple yet, don't want to topple over before 'happy tipple hour' starts! : )

Oh dear I have been found out! Would you believe close relations called this weekend because they could not come a Christmas and one of my gifts was a nice litre of Scotch Whisky. I have never heard of it before but it must be admitted that its rather nice and called 'William Peel', yes I am having and will have a little tipple this afternoon. Cheers.
No, I never suffer with a hangover, but I'll promise to keep trying.

Had far too much yesterday! I could be tempted to try 'hair of the dog' though! :o)

I wasn't going to until I read your question, now I can't get the thought of a drink out of my head. I'm off to get a caramel baileys now, bye. Who cares if I'm hung over in the morning, it's nearly Christmas.

never hungover for work, but i will have a drink or two tonight, why not.

don't always have to drink to get drunk whahahahahahaha

A little tipple always goes good with football. I don't have to work tomorrow so I guess I could tipple till I topple if I so desired.

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