What is the best way to cure a "Hang Over". And please dont say Not Drink.?!


What is the best way to cure a "Hang Over". And please dont say Not Drink.?

Hangovers are caused by the dehydration of the brain, which in turn kills brain cells....thats what causes the headache. Drinking lots of water when you are "done drinking" can help this, also, drinking gatoraid or poweraid will help restore some of the nutrients lost when having to use the bathroom every 5 minutes from excessive drinking, but there is no "real" cure for a hangover besides pacing yourself.

There is no way to " CURE" a hang over. Bottom line : stop being a drunkard and learn some self control

sounds crazy.. but having another drink the next morning.
lol or drink lots of water while your drinking and take advil before you go to bed.

hot black coffee with a nice spoonful of sugar .... and a LITTLE more of what you were drinking ... and take it EASY there!!!!

Drink lots of water!!!!

sleep it off

I just get my half drunk *** out of bed and go for a 2 mile jog and take a hot shower. It works for me. Isnt it funny that you can write asshole but not ***?

If you have access to it. Pure oxygen. Breath it for about 5 min, you'll feel great.

Drink water when you’re drinking, this will lesson the dehydration effect from the next day. Then find you’re nearest “Real” Mexican restaurant and order Menodo.

A hangover is caused by dehydration drink lots of water before you go to bed but if you cant then drink lots when you wake up. Rehydrate and the headache goes away

cant cure it just deal........for every drink have a glass of water that way you wont drink as much and if you do wake with one, "hair of the dog" works wonders

the best way to cure a hang over is to eat something very spicy.
it works all the time.

Sleep it off!

Eat a some food if you can keep it down, drinks lots of Gatorade, and if you can, get some more sleep.

Time is the best cure buddy...you will have to wait it out.
If you want, take 2 aspirin before you go to bed and wake up and have a drink of whatever you were drinking the night before and get some rest.

Hang overs are different for everybody. When I get up the next day I always take a BC Powder and drink a V8 juice. If you can't drink V8 juice while sober do not try to drink it after drinking because you will throw up.


Funny, I'm recovering from a hangover right now. Any way, my remedy is to alway eat before you go to bed after a night after drinking. Taking some aspirin before you go to bed usually works too so you don't wake up with a headache. Also, make sure to hydrate yourself all day. Funny, but my remedy is too eat because it usually take the hangover away. I tear up everything all day long.

Tomato Juice. No joke

DONT TAKE ASPRIN...while alcohol is in your system its poisonious. also try to drink more expensive alcohol...its more cleaner and better quality...tastes better and i cant say it wont make a hangover but i had 2 or 3 long island ice teas last cinco de mayo which im usually cool with but they used cheap cheap alcohol...i had the worse hang over ever!

The hangover is caused by dehydration, which minimizes the fluid your brain floats in, causing it to rest on the brain pan and that gives you a headache. Same thing happens with altitude sickness...

The answer is prevention, and that doesn't mean abstension: It just means that when you go out MAKE SURE every other drink you drink is water or juice or something else that doesn't act as a diuretic. You won't get the headachey hangover AND has the added benefit of allowing you to party hardy for very long periods of time and it even costs you less in the process.
I'd make sure to take a long hot shower or soak in a jacuzzi which opens up the pores and leaches the smell away in addition. All pluses.

DONT TAKE ADVIL!!! or any other pain reliever it would make it worse since alcohol is still in your system....what I do is have a shrimp cocktail.. with some crackers...mmmmm delicious

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