Is a "whiskey sour" a mans drink or a womens drink?!


Is a "whiskey sour" a mans drink or a womens drink?

It's MY drink. Men should drink Rusty Nails and Jack on the Rocks.


I think both

Scarlett Johansson drank it in Lost In Translation....


WOMEN'S...MEN DRINK IT STRAIGHT UP....I'm kidding kind of,anyone can drink any drink they want there is no rule that women don't drink beer and men cant drink wine coolers,though any time i have seen men drink wine coolers they do get made fun of by the other men around

I see it as a woman's drink. But that could be biased by the way they serve it, in a nice flute with fruit added.

Whiskey was a "typical man's drink" however, there are Whiskey Girls, I'm dating one!

I don't think it matters. Anybody who drinks it raises their blood-alcohol level.

It's a whoever likes it drinks it kind of drink. Just like all other drinks.

i think mens but does it reallly matter? its just a drink!!


It is a drink for a person with a taste to that kind of drink. I worked as a bartender for a number of years and found it was about 1/2 and 1/2 so guess it is a non sexual drink :)

"girls can't play baseball!

generally a mans although some women, mostly students drink jack daniels with coke cos they think it's cool

show me this women who likes whiskey shes a keeper

It can be considered a drink for both men and women but it is generally favored by women.

its a unisex drink. I love them so does my husband.

Either can drink it, men prefer it. Women like the sweeter stuff.

Depends who's drinking it -- a man or a woman. I dated someone once who always ordered frothy pink things, while I had scotch on the rocks. They always gave me his drink. there a law prohibiting anyone from drinking this???

Then again guys are most likely not to drink it because they like beer or vodka instead!! Whiskey as a shot is better since it will get you drunk way faster but if you are not drinking to get drunk, have it a bit sweet with sour mix..........

have a nice time!!!

I'm a woman and I always drink whiskey sours. Amaretto sours are good, too. But I do often get strange looks when I order it. I think the "whiskey" part just seems masculine, but really the sour mix and the cherry make it kind of fruity and girly. So I'd say, it could go both ways.

it's tart fuel

I believe the drink can be comsumed by both men and women.

It is a little-known fact that mixed drinks are a fairly recent invention. Up until Prohibition (a period of from 1920-1933 when the United States of America banned all alcoholic beverages), most people in most of the world drank their liquor straight. The first cocktails had been invented in the middle 19th century, but they were simple affairs of liquor, water and bitters (bitters are combinations of herbs and spices, often having a medicinal effect; the most common nowadays are Angostura bitters). But cocktails had yet to really take off.

That all changed during Prohibition. The alcohol which was smuggled in from Canada, Mexico and the more enjoyable parts of the USA was rough, raw stuff, often cut with pure ethanol and other, rather less palatable adulterants. In fact, the liquor of the time was practically undrinkable. To solve this vexing problem, people turned to mixing their liquors with various other ingredients to mask the flavour.

Even after Prohibition's well-deserved end, the new cocktails remained popular. Women in particular enjoyed these sweeter, less potent beverages. Men, of course, went along with them. In time, drier cocktails such as the martini were invented. One could say that the mixed drink had matured.

Whiskey Sour

The whiskey sour is a drink enjoyed by both men and women. It can be made with many liquors besides whiskey [2]. Particularly good is the amaretto sour.

* 1 jigger whiskey
* 1 jigger lemon juice
* 1/2 oz. lime juice
* 1/2 oz. sugar syrup

Shake and pour into a tumbler over ice.

Variations are performed by modifying the ratio of whiskey to sour. It is a common practice to have a pre-made sour mix ready on hand, since some guests like a very sour drink whereas others prefer to merely threaten their whiskey with a whiff of lemon scent.

Sugar syrup may be made by boiling 1.5-2 cups of sugar with 2 cups of water. Some add an egg white to the mixture for texture.

I am a big time major country girl, I drink whiskey, beer, vodka, and other hard liquer drinks, I DO NOT fruity drinks(or what most people refer to as "girly drinks"). I believe that it really depends on the taste buds of the drinker and if you're a whiskey girl rock on!!!!!

I think it is a unisex drink. I think the men like the whisky part of it, but women like the sour to tone it down. Either way, they are GOOD! Cheers!

It is a drink for men or women.

i've been a bartender for quite some time and i've never made a whiskey sour for a man. i make them for women all the time. and it's one of 2 ways i can handle jack myself. (the other is with cherry coke)

It's kind of a nasty drink if you ask me.

a whiskey sour is a nasty drink. sweet & sour mix makes me puke.

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