Is there a problem with drinking this much?!

Question: I drink only when I go out which will be maybe once every 2 weeks. I never drink during the week, not even one, but the reason I'm asking is because when I go out I'll have about 10-15 drinks and I feel the need to get very drunk, even if it means drinking before I go out. I'm an 18 year old girl (before you go off, I live in Australia and it's legal to drink at 18) and this amount will usually get me pretty drunk but not to the stage of passing out, vomiting or anything TOO embarassing.
So will this way of drinking do me lots of longterm damage and should I be concerned even though it's just once a fornight on average?

Answers: I drink only when I go out which will be maybe once every 2 weeks. I never drink during the week, not even one, but the reason I'm asking is because when I go out I'll have about 10-15 drinks and I feel the need to get very drunk, even if it means drinking before I go out. I'm an 18 year old girl (before you go off, I live in Australia and it's legal to drink at 18) and this amount will usually get me pretty drunk but not to the stage of passing out, vomiting or anything TOO embarassing.
So will this way of drinking do me lots of longterm damage and should I be concerned even though it's just once a fornight on average?

nah! Dont worry about it! its only every fortnight and soon you'll probably get over the going out and getting pissed as a newt stage when your 20 or so. And thats not too muchdrinking! But then again everythinbg in moderation remember! If your not sick when you drink alot it means your not overdoing it so it should be ok for the time being:) Im an aussie girl as well;)

wow hard, but i dont think ur that bad, but try not to drink till the point where you would pass out, and try to be safe =]

That seems like way too much. I am surprised that you haven't passed out. Are the drinks watered down or something? Partying too much will catch up with you, you'll look old before your time. You may also black out one day and be with people you don't trust. That could turn into a very bad situation. Be careful and ask yourself why you feel the need to get so drunk. Are you comfortable with who you are? You may eventually feel the need to feel drunk all the time. I'd slow down a bit, especially if alcoholism runs in your family. Be safe.

What you are saying here is what is called binge drinking.
Most time nothing at all, but when you do drink, you drink to excess.

i dont think you have anything to worry about i mean you just gotta let loose once in a while right but be careful of the pervs that may try to take advantage of a drunk chik

Yes you can get addicted. Then latter you could get some sort of kidney damage.

We have a saying in AA. If you think you've got a problem, you probably have. Go to an AA meeting and ask another women that you can talk to to share some of her experiences with you. You don't have to join if you don't think you're ready but when you think you're ready you will have a person to contact.
Your local meeting will be able to give you a copy of the 20 questions. Answer them honestly.
Will this type of drinking do any long term damage? Is killing a couple thousand brain cells every fortnight damage? Is putting another scar on your liver, damage? But even worse are the things you are doing while drinking causing any damage? such as DUI, fighting, or such.
I've included the General Service Office for AA Australia take a look.
See you in San Antonio.

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