Did i do the right thing? concerning underage drinking?!

Question: i was called up one night by a friend crying saying to come help, i arrived and there was a girl on he floor shaking non stop passed out really pale and vommiting, she weiged abotu 70 pounds, everyone there was laughing about her nad jsut shoved her in corner not watching her so i told an adult, and some of the kids got in trouble and some were good friends of mine, i feel pretty guilty about thus because theyre grounded for some of winter break but did i do the right thing.

Answers: i was called up one night by a friend crying saying to come help, i arrived and there was a girl on he floor shaking non stop passed out really pale and vommiting, she weiged abotu 70 pounds, everyone there was laughing about her nad jsut shoved her in corner not watching her so i told an adult, and some of the kids got in trouble and some were good friends of mine, i feel pretty guilty about thus because theyre grounded for some of winter break but did i do the right thing.

by the sound of it, you could have saved this girl's life, so i'd say, yeah, you did the right thing.

Of course you did, those little biatches got what they deserved.

...the girl also needs to gain some weight.

ABSOUTLEY don't second guess yourself on that decision! Good job.

hell yeh

ungratefulness later their guilty concious of being responsible for her death or preventing it at all

more then likely she had Alcohol poisoning , so yes, you did the right thing.

Atta boy

Oh my god YES!
She probably had alcohol poisoning!
You pretty much just saved her life.
Way to go.
Don't bother with people who got in trouble!
if they got mad at you for saving a girls life they are NOT worth it.

You absolutely did the right thing. That girl could have died if no one had checked on her. You never know what could have been wrong. It sucks when you have to get your friends in trouble. But trust me, you would feel a lot more guilty if you had done nothing and something terrible had happened to that girl.

yes you did the right thing.
if you hadnt told, then the girl could have been in a serious condition!

yea she could have died

YES you did do the right thing. If these friends of yours are really good friends, they will see that eventually. Thanks for doing the right thing in a tough circumstance.

Yeah absolutley 100%

You know that you did the right thing - why would any caring human let someone else lay there and die?
don't feel guilty about cleaning up someone else's mess in a responsible way.

yes you did the thing that i would do as well. You just remember you were the only person with a golden heart

good luck
merry christmas

That's horrible! You could've saved her life, you totally did the right thing. ^^

no that was being rat. because when you do the right thing that means it bad. are you seriously asking if u did the right thing???? yes duh!

be proud of yourself , not many people are brave enough to do what you did, not even some adults.

Yeah you did the right thing. When someone's life is involved you need to do anything in your power to help. If your friends have a problem it just goes to show you that their head is not in the right place.

You DEFINETLY did the right thing!
You get a star! =]

You shouldnt feel guilty it was the right thing to do, think about it..put yourself in that girls position.

She could have died, you did the right thing. Don't feel guilty for their punishments. Seems like you and your friend that called you were the only compassionate ones present.

You did the right thing. I hope they're grounded for a year for being so heartless and insensitive, nevermind the drinking.

yeah man you did do the right thing, its not your fault they got in trouble, they should have helped her rather then ignore her. she sounds like she was in a preety bad way, if you hadnt called an adult things probably would have got worse. if theyre angry at you just forget about it, they will get over it.

Yes you did the right thing. Never feel guilty about doing the right thing. They obviously didn't care about this person's life enough, someone had to. Good for you.

The thing about Blood Alcohol Content for a 70lbs chick is mare a few drinks. She must of drank over the .15 mark, to get pale and hyperglycomic( little sugar in blood and prone to seizzures). Your friends are really not cool, she told of died, got alcohol poisoning or go in coma. She really needs to know her limit since shes only 70lbs.


You shouldnt be guility because she could of died.

thats horrible , you saved her life, you should feel good, you were responsible and did a good thing, when it gets that out of control its okay to tell

Absolutely! Imagine if you hadn't been there what would have happened to the girl? Sometimes we're forced to make decisions that may piss people off.... but they should come around to realize that what you did was in the best interest of this girl. There's no telling what could have happened. You should be damn proud of yourself for caring more about the welfare of this girl than whether or not a few friends got upset with you for something they did to themselves. I say good on ya! If they can't get over it... that's their loss b/c you seem like a great friend to have around when **** goes sour.

Why feel guilty??? Think about that girl. Could she have died?? Quite possibly if she had choked on her vomit. So you did the right thing and maybe saved a life. No guilt required. If the others are mad and not able to get the message then too bad for them.

Keep doing the right thing as it means you have good character.

OF course you did right, You may of saved her life ,no question . You should feel proud not guilty . The others know you did right . They just need someone to blame , How would they feel if she died, they may be behind bars not grounded. Your a good person.

i would guess that it was better than being grounded and going to a funeral during christmas break? huh? this is why there is a drinking age. kids are too irresponsible to know the limits, especially when their parents don't talk to them about stuff like that. It is a shame, and i am happy to hear that you weren't at the party yourself. good job!

You absolutely did the right thing. You may have saved that girls life. There is such as thing as alcohol poisoning and people die from it every year, mainly young people.
It sounds as if this girl may even have been having seizures which is very, very serious. Thank goodness you told a responsible adult and got her some help.
You have no reason to feel guilt because these friends got in a little trouble. Imagine the guilt you would all have felt if that girl had died or been seriously brain damaged. You did the right thing. Pat yourself on the back.

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