How can I make myself drink more water?!

Question: I know I NEED 8 glasses of water a day but like most people I hate drinking plain water. I know my body needs pure water, other than adding lemon how can I make water more appealing??

Answers: I know I NEED 8 glasses of water a day but like most people I hate drinking plain water. I know my body needs pure water, other than adding lemon how can I make water more appealing??

CRYSTAL LIGHT....ok sorry for the ALL CAPS, but hear me out. I know that most diet stuff has you know...."that taste" to it, but crystal light tastes really good, I drink the Wal Mart brand, 2 bucks for roughly a week's worth of you "daily supply" of water. Give it a shot, it won't hurt you any more than setting you back 2 bucks, I enjoy the lemon-aid, grape, and rasberry flavors. Also if you mix it instantly with tab water and don't let it sit in the fridge (letting it get really cold) than it is luke warm and much eaiser to down. I hope that this helps, it helped me enjoy alot more water than soda. Good Luck

Don't keep other beverages in the house.

I just made a decision one day to not drink soda anymore, and water is pretty much the only thing *to* drink, so I drink a lot of it. If you have other choices and you don't like water, it's the best way.

Good luck!

try flavored seltzer. it's healthier than flavored waters like Dasani because it's unsweetened......not even artificially.

Vitamin water is pretty good, tho its not pure water. Has added vitamins in it.

One thing I did that made me start liking water was taking it with me to gym instead of sports drinks. And, I would eat a dry granola/cereal bar for breakfast and as I'm dying for a drink I would chug some water. Don't know but the refreshment really made me like water. Now I hardly ever drink soda or high sugar drinks.

I hate drinking water too. I use the Crystal Light to go packets, they are so easy. You get a box of ten and then just add a packet to a bottle of water everytime you get thirsty.

You just do it. You might wish to add other flavors, like lime juice (just a squirt)

Experiment with a variety of cordial additives.

open mouth, pour in , swallow,,,,repeat

Move to the dessert !!! With a large water truck !!!

eat lots of salty food, it makes u drink lot of water

5 am, 1 glass of water
6 am, 1 glass of water
7 am breakfast------ NO WATER
8 am 1 glass of water
9 or 10 am 1 glass of water
11 am 1 glass water

lunch...12 noon just food--------NO WATER
1 pm, 1 glass water
2 pm 1 glass water
3 or 4 pm 1 glass water
5pm 1 glass water

dinner 6 pm-----------NO WATER
7 pm 1 glass water
bed time...1 glass of water....

ask me why i share you that system and i will share you how good it is...i personally did it myself...u can adjust your time when it doesnt fit with your own activity...but do the procedure and you will be so healthy....minimum of 8 but maximum of tons is no problem in terms of H2O

happy drinking

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