Do you enjoy drinking (alcohol!)?!


Do you enjoy drinking (alcohol!)?

Do you like the feeling of getting drunk or does it scare you? Do you know your limits, or do you always end up passing out / being sick? Or are you tee-total?

Personally I like getting quite tipsy but I've only ever been really drunk (i.e. couldn't walk properly, felt dizzy, couldn't talk) twice and I hated it! Really scared me! I usually know my limits!

I know my limits but yeah i love a tipple or 20 lol.

I'm 21 and yes I like to drink but I have never been drunk. I know my limits.

love the taste of alcohol- especially red and white wine, cava and champaigne. Dont like sweet alcohol like alcopops, bucks fizz, spritzers....

like getting merry but not totally out of it and can say I never have.

I know my limits and always drink in good company so if I make a fool of myself I dont look to bad!

Now i know my limits (at 41 i should hope so!) but when i was younger i had one or two nightmarish nights out on the drink and i think its what makes me stop now before i get like that ever again it was horrible.

I don't care for the taste of some alcohol, but the after affect is lovely.

My first real drink, I got totally wasted. Not nice. I know my limit now, and keep to it.


I like a drink once in a while, like a beer or wine cooler.
Once I drank beer, then vodka and 7up, then Old Grandad shot for shot.
I was pretty sick in a couple hours.
Never did that again.
If I am with people who are drinking and having a good time I am more likely to drink, though I can be crazy not drinking.
Never passed out.

me and alcohol have a crazy relationship

i never get hangovers, tho a little 2 much nd im at the toilet all night lol

its fun 2 drink whn theres a purpose (clubbing etc).

Yeah I love it

in moderation

No, not after it nearly killed me, teetotal now.

I enjoy drinking to getting drunk. The feeling of being slightly disconnected from the body is something that I happen to enjoy very much. I've been drunk to the point of not being able to see straight, seeing double, etc. It always ends up biting up on the behind in the end, unfortunately ending up over the toiler, having no energy, headache, like you have the flu the next day is not so fun however. I do like the feeling, sadly it's become something of a hinderance for me. Sometimes I think my only true friend is Mr. Bottle; not a good sign. It really depends on how much I drink and how potant the drinks are.

i know my limits i love getting tipsy but as soon as i feel drunk i go onto water i like to feel in control

lol...having not touched and alcohol in months (pregnant) i really miss it!! sad...i dnt think i wuld, but its nice 2 kno that if u want it, u can hav it!! i used to kno my limit, n i like the feelin of tipsy, but im pretty sure that in september, when its my 21st bday and my baby will b 4 months old i'll hav NO idea where my limit is n end up passed out in 2 mins flat....thank god 2 grandparents!! "here mum...hav a baby for the night..."

i hav been out of it completly once before n ended up actually having my stomach pumped!! i'd say it was scary, but i dnt remember it!! come rnd in hospital wiv a tube dwn me throat WAS scarey tho n theres no way in hell i'll eva drink that much eva agn

yeh i like it - not many people who don't!!

I know my limits and generally don't reach them - just a few glasses of wine and maybe a cheeky bushmills or two

I like to drink with a meal and, on occasion, I go out for a few drinks with friends. I have been paraletic many times in the past but not recently. I like to have a drink but I don't like getting drunk. I know my limits and I know when to stop.

Its good times most of the time. But once you've reached your limits who knows what could happen. I've done some really stupid stuff hammered before.
I'd much rather smoke bud if I was givin the choice, its just safer and I have more control over myself, but being in the Army and it being illegal kind of hinders that.
But a good brew isn't bad once and a while. I'd suggest Boddingtons, Newcastle, and Bemmish. All good brews, smooth.

I'm tee total now but that is because I liked it too much!

Having been alcoholic for over thirty years, I've Really 'Been There' on drink. I so enjoyed my first drinking to slight excess session - it leaving me giggling and raucous - that I sort of carried on recapturing that feeling of uphoria.

Trouble was, by the time it got to wetting the bed most nights because I was too drunk to wake up, it was far too late.

Blah, blah, blah ~ broken marriage and years of hell and horror stories later ~ I got de toxed and went dry for a decade.

Now I drink again, but nothing like before. I now drink a few pints and have done with. In fact, in Eire, it's now considered socially 'off' to get shattered.

That aside, and more directly addressing ye question; Naah. I haven't been 'Drunk' since I started drinking again and really rather dread being to. It's nice to feel mellow and then sneak off to bed. But staggering about thinking and talking utter rubbish? Think I'll pass on that one!

well, coming from ireland, we have a fairly big drinking culture - (pub on nearly every cornor!) - but as much as i enjoy having a few drinks, i no my limits...the thoughts of waking up the next day with no idea what happen the night before, is a horrible thought!...i mean, whats the point of going out if your not going to remember it?!?

i love getting tipsy but i know my limits

yes, I like drinking and the feeling of being drunk. it helps with my shyness

sometimes,only champagne???

no i didnt like the horrible feeling that you gat when you are drunk.I have done in my younger years.But it wasnt worth it.

I like to drink. The tastes of the different alcohols and different wines can give foods a more complex taste. Just like chocolate goes with peanut butter, Cabernet sauvingnon goes with a red meat.

Drinking to excess is not a good idea and it is absoultly not fun the day after. When you drink a few drinks and feel a little relaxed and content it is time to slow down.

The answers to your questions are written on the following site. I have begun putting into print, all my past experiences with alcohol for people to read. Most people either die, spend time in prison, or become walking health disasters mentally and physically. I was lucky enough to make it through the night mere and need to tell people what I seen and felt. Alot more to come on that site from me. The story will continue.
Alcohol is A LOT more dangerous mentally then people think.

since january i've not touched a drop? but i know that quite soon i will i just hope on that day i will know when to stop?

he he he

uhhhhh dunno..... can't remember, I only drink when I'm awake.

I used to drink then got diagnosed as epileptic. It stopped there, mostly. Now if I drink it's for an occasion, nothing else, it just makes me thirsty. And you don't want to know what it did to the ulcer I had, LOL.

I like a drink but i never get to the '' I dont know what im doing'' stage. I mostly drink wine or vodka and coke. I have been knowen to go through three bottles of wine with one of my mates on a girls night in. But i have a child to come home to so i never get smashed.

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