I can't drink beer?!


I can't drink beer?

I have tryed to drink beer and simply can not stand the taste. I like the taste of even straight vodka better (i know). So are there people that just cannot drink it? or have I just drank crappy beer ie Ive had Miller light, Coors light, Natural ice, MGD, Micholob golden light etc.

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2 months ago
Oh Yeah I drink to get drunk so wine doesnt cut it....

2 months ago
Oh Yeah I drink to get drunk so wine doesnt cut it....

I prefer Vodka or Rum over beer, too. When I drink wine I just put a straw in the bottle and suck it down, so yeah, it gets me drunk!

Good, its bad for your liver.

I'd try a REAL beer before staing this. NO lights.

i dont care that much for beer either. id rather have vodka just like you....your not alone on that one

you haven't tried enough brands of beer yet, there is bound to be one that suits your taste bud. Try Tiger!

Yep- you drank crappy beer!!

it's normal
Personally i prefer sweet wine

Hey man, I hate beer with a passion as well. So I dont drink it. My preference is Smirnoff. Thats good stuff. Especially the Green Apple.

As far as people that cannot drink, maybe its just an "aquired tast". Either way, I dont like it.

That's the problem , you should drink corona's. That's the best beer ever. I think that you would really like it. I did I thought I didn't like it either until I try these. Now I drink coronas all the time.

I can't drink beet eather I think it taste nasty, I've tried all diffrent kinds still can't stand the taste..like wine better. But im not a big drinker.

None of those beers you mentioned are anywhere close to a good quality beer. See if you can find some good Belgian beers such as Grimberger Blonde Ale or LIndemann's Framboise Lambic. Your viewpoint on beer will be vastly altered once you have had a world class brew like those. And they are vastly different, so if one doesn't do it for you, don't give up. Keep trying more high quality imports and micro-brews - the flavor payoff of finding a good one is well worth the effort.

So drink something else. Seriously, how is this a problem that needs advise? Drink what you can, skip what you can't.

People can't even choose their own drugs anymore...what the hell has happened to the world?

no you shouldn't but do as you feel when you get old you will be ugly

Hi John, I used to drink beer and i stopped and when i try to drink a beer after 3 years i can't stand the taste now. We both are better off because of this. Have a nice evening.
A Friend.

You been drinking the cheap stuff..i am not crazy on beer either i used to drink paper cup (bigger ones)full of vodka stright all the time. You could end up finding a beer you like if you keep trying. Or you keep drinking the one kind you might even start to like the ones your drinking now who knows

Don't drink mass-produced American style lagers and judge beer. I am not saying that you should like beer, but don't say you don't like it because of that crap you have tried.

Consider yourself lucky. I can only imagine how much money I've spent on beer over the last 20 years. I enjoy drinking beer, but if I didn't, I sure wouldn't force myself to like it. There are too many other kinds of drinks, alcoholic and not, to choose from.

All the beers you mentioned taste like horse piss. Try some real craft beer. The beers you mentioned are only popular by americans. The rest of the world is not limited by stupid marketing and huge corporations telling us what to drink. Check out my link to find out more about good beer.

the problem is you drink crap beer. try a samuel adams. i'm guessing if you have only had garbage beer you are probably underage anyway, so have a sam's when you are legal.

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