Where can I get a Fake Id in Cali?!


Where can I get a Fake Id in Cali?

I need a fake id, can someone tell me a good place to get them? Are there any "real" internet sites? Please let me know thanks!!!

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2 months ago
I need one. And I have been asking around to different people. I dont need people leaving me answers telling me its illiegal and telling that i should just wait until im 21. Its none of your business, and if thats the kind of answers your going to leave, then DONT ANSWER!!!!

2 months ago
And NO im didnt loose my greencard, what a bunch of dumbasses.

2 months ago
I need one. And I have been asking around to different people. I dont need people leaving me answers telling me its illiegal and telling that i should just wait until im 21. Its none of your business, and if thats the kind of answers your going to leave, then DONT ANSWER!!!!

2 months ago
And NO im didnt loose my greencard, what a bunch of dumbasses.

There are no "real" websites anymore...the Bush Empire got rid of them so the "terrorists" (read: Illegals) won't use them to get stuff in America

There are some websites out there that do sell ID's, but they pretty much suck...maybe good for a corner store...not for anything else.

I did know a guy in MD who made my VA ID...with the state hologram and everything! I've used it in the VA state-run liquor stores and they accepted it...but that dude got busted by the pigs.

Basically, you're on your own. I'm not sure where in Cali you are, how old you are...etc. But some college people there might point you in the right direction. Perhaps some folks in Tijuana sell 'em...I'm just not sure. I grew up in VA and FL, so...

The fake ID community has pretty much shriveled up and died in a corner. Kinda sad that little piece of American high school/college life has died, but we do live in the greatest nation on god's green earth...or so I thought.

But no, I don't think you should wait, if you can get your hands on one, drink as much as possible and be somewhat sane about it...there are sober kids in Africa, y'know:)

Spent two years researching fake ID's until I paid $200 for mine...big cost, but I made it back by inflating the price of booze for other young'uns.

Are you underage or did you lose your green card?

Wow...I don't know what made you think this was an intelligent question to ask. You are asking for trouble by trying to get a fake I.D.

Sure - I think you should head right on down to your local police station, tell them you need a fake ID and they'll point you in the right direction.

LOL how illegal!
hehe not sure sorry =]

goodluck with it lol and have fun!

If you have a computer, and have at least a little smarts, you can make your own. Photoshop anyone??

there is no way to get away with a fake id in cali. Liquor stores have veriage machines that can tell if the id is real or not and if you get caught with a fake, the company will call the cops on you....sorry

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