Mad Dog 20/20?!


Mad Dog 20/20?

When I was at school, many moons ago, me and my friends used to hangout at the back of the co-op and drink a selection of vile drinks - these included MD 20/20, I always had the strawberry flavour, although friends always opted for the orange or the kiwi. We also had thunderbirds (awful stuff that still makes me retch of I smell it now) and of course Diamond White or Diamond Blush. Did you used to drink all these? - Bring back any hazy memories?.....

Certainly cant bear the thought of the stuff any longer.
I started on White Lightening - you used to get it in 3 litre bottles then went on to Mad Dog - I stomached the kiwi. I did the Diamond White and moved onto K when it was launched. I cant bring myself to drink cider anymore it makes me ill at the thought. I used to get so ill but never had a hangover until I got into my mid twenties by which time I had progressed on to other tipples. Was probably fairly familiar with many nightclub toilets in Edinburgh x

lol how about Annie Green Springs? Or Boones Farm? Night Train? lol too funny

K cider that was a killer three bottles and you were out of it.
Merrydown cider and Carlsberg Super, the staple diet of the underage Scottish born and bred soon to be complete jakey.

Mad Dog 20/20 is amazinggg.

ugh!!!! yessss! i once drank a whole bottle thru a straw in less than 30 seconds and i threw up all night. it makes me gag just to smell that junk now! i don't miss the "dumb" part of being young and dumb!

Yes! lmao! My friends and I used to sit up until the wee hours of the morning playing poker...but instead of playing for money, the losing hand of each round had to do a swig of mad dog, right out of the bottle! Needless to say, we were all pretty trashed by the end of it...mad dog hangovers have got to be the worst!
Thanks for the memories!

mad dog 20/20 was vile,

good in punches though....

those are all super ill and nasty

yes and cinzano with no mixer yuk anything to get drunk

MD 20/20 aww...the memories...LOL I've only tried the orange one and I'll never do it again

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