Alchol, what is it actually made of?!


Alchol, what is it actually made of?

The actual alcohol part of an alcoholic drink is ethanol.

See the link for the chemical breakdown and more info

See also where it decribes how "An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol."


Fermented piss

alcohol? Is sugar basically femented, thats in spirits, or wheat, hops for beer.larger and obviously grapes for wine

Fermented sugars like, grapes, fruits (cherries, apples etc) or you can ferment seeds and nuts and grains like rye, wheat, almonds etc.

Depends on what kind. For example, vodka comes from potatoes.

vodka -potatoes, wine-grapes, beer-hops, cider-apples ect

Alcohols are a group of poisonous chemicals made up of hydrogen carbon and oxygen. The least poisonous is ethanol which occurs naturally when sugar or starch is broken down by yeast. It kills germs and in small doses, it can be beneficial. In moderate doses, it makes you fall over. In large doses it's a major cause of premature death.

It's made with two O's.

C H and O if I remember my chemistry

pure alchohol is known as ethonal. the closest i THINK you can get to it is a drink called 'soreeka'- thats romainian vadka at 80%proof!. ethonal itself im not sure what its used for i imagen simular uses to parrafin as its flamable and deadly to drink undiluted

it's usualy a fermented starch, like wheat, or potatos. most spirits-ie hard A, is from wheat, and most vodka is not made from potatos anymore, it's hard to find. it's usualy grain of some sort. wine of course made from grapes. but yeah mostly some form of grain, barley, hops, wheat.

made of alcohol!!

Drink wine instead; grapes are healthy.

alcohol is the end product (usually liquid) from the process of fermentation of starch (CHO) with water (H2O)at a suitable temperature in the absence of oxygen. The resultant Liquor - [known in the trade as the wort or steep] is a chemical compound with the formula C2H5OH.
This can then be refined to become a spirit by distilation or left to be a beer or in the case of pear fermentation a 'perry'

Hope this helps.
By the way - if you have indulged - you will know when enough is enough - it's when the floor comes up and hits you at 3 am in the morning.

The alcohol that you drink is "ethanol." Whether it's beer, wine, hard liquor, or any combination.

From Widipedia:
"Ethanol is produced by fermentation: when certain species of yeast (most importantly, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) metabolize sugar in the absence of oxygen, they produce ethanol and carbon dioxide. The overall chemical reaction conducted by the yeast may be represented by the chemical equation
C6H12O6 → 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 CO2 "

Simply put, ethanol is a compound of 2 carbon atoms, 5 hydrogen atoms and a single OH ion (written C2H5OH), so yes, it's actually made of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
What it's made FROM is sugar.
What it's made BY is yeast eating that sugar and the alcohol is the waste product (yeast pee to be quite literal).

Likkle wiggly things born from yeast out of sugar. The only way to stop them from taking over the world is to pour it down your throat. Cheers....................

You will know when to say stop... when you find yourself lying face down on the deck and having to hang on, In some areas this is called a Hornpipe. Whilst you can still ask for more you are not drunk, only under the influence. Many's the time...

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