Bars are way too overpriced, why do people continue to go to them?!

Question: I like to go out and have a good time, spend some money, but some bars I go to are so expensive. How do people still go to these place knowing how expensive a drink is. the place I went to a beer was about 7 dollars a beer and 9 -10 for a shot or mixed drink. How can they get away with charging that much.
Would you pay that much for a drink or am I just being cheap

Answers: I like to go out and have a good time, spend some money, but some bars I go to are so expensive. How do people still go to these place knowing how expensive a drink is. the place I went to a beer was about 7 dollars a beer and 9 -10 for a shot or mixed drink. How can they get away with charging that much.
Would you pay that much for a drink or am I just being cheap

Just think that when you pay $7 for a drink you are not buying the alcohol you are buying the experience. I worked in a restaurant for a few years and I don't know how many times my managers told us that. Personally I do not like to pay that much for a drink if im just trying to get drunk, but usually when I go out thats not my main focus.

well think about it.... atmosphere, and socialization!!!! and you pay a hefty price... who wants to sit home and drink alone and if you have people over the house, you have a mess and a house full of drunk people who wont go home..... not to mention the noise, and the cost factor....

They go more for the atmosphere than the drinks....I would sometimes rather pay $7.00 (outrageous!!) for a beer than sit at home and have one because I want to be out and have fun with friends.

Essentially, the bar is a business. That bottle of liquor probably cost them 20 - 30 dollars a piece. But if they could get 10 shots out of it and charge 2 dollars a piece then they would make no money. In order to receive a profit from the liquor sale they have to up the price of the product offered to the customer. It is all about the business and what they know their customers are willing to pay. On the other hand, you could just drink at home. Going someplace already "prepared" would make it less likely that you would purchase more alcohol.
The key for the people who go to these places is that these place are fun, provide a sociable environment where they enjoy being and is a place they're familiar with.

The cost these days of liquor, staff, utlilites and insurance---- drink prices are going up. You would be shocked at how much liquor licenses cost annually as well as insurance to cover the bar as laws are now saying Bartenders are responsible for some DUI incidents and the clubs can be sued. Thank those irresponsible drunk drivers for rises in prices.

There is a 80% price markup on the bottle and trust me those bottles and mixers, liquers are not cheap even wholesale. When you pay a staff and all of the above, you see why drinks are going up. In larger markets like NYC etc prices will always be high. A $15.00 martini in NYC will cost you about $8.99 in Harrisburg

because the chicks there are cheaper than prostitutes, so it balances out.

there fun to go to and have a good time

atmosphere. im a broke college senior, who drinks with friends before we go to the bar. we also split the tab at the bar by buying a pitcher together. i think the bar that you went to was a much classier bar than in a college town though haha.

3 bucks for a shot, 5 for a pitcher, 7.50 for a mixed drink. dont forget the tip!

people go to bars and pay the high prices to socialize,to meet other people.

yeah,I have not gone to bars for that same reason.I just buy at the local drug store and chill out at mi home.
over here in Nebraska Omaha at bars the beer is $5 and mix drinks are $8 So,yes..that is what I can use to buy gas or food not some lousy drink.agree with you.

Just chill out at home is safer and cheaper and with nice comfortable setting watching movies or playing video games.

I live around the corner of a bar and ppl here are dramatic and wild..So I rather stay in my own little cancoon than spend $$$$ alot of money LOL-

You go to the wrong bars. I was not spending that at the last bar at which I hung out. The beers were $3.00 max and the mixed drinks under $5.00.

One goes there for the networking and socializing (and that could be different things for different people).


You want the truth they are meat markets set-up for the men a ladies to find a one night stand. People are also going for the atmosphere and the socializing aspect. Really if you do the math you will find that 70% of the people at the club are single and looking for love or a stud. The rest are couples or serious relationships. You would have the same answer for why go to a house party.

The cost of alcoholic drinks are the last worries of people who are out to have a good time do recall alcohol makes us do things that would be normally wrong like spend your rent money for instance or sleep with the ugly girl because your vision is blurred.

That is the cost for a drink at most upscale clubs you can find cheaper at worse bars and nightclubs but then look at the clientele and the atmosphere basically it comes down to everything you get what you pay for.

Expensive drinks nice place, Cheap drinks hole in the wall.

personally, I go to bars or clubs to hang out with friends, listen to live music, and to socialize, and I don't drink that much. When I go out, I usually stick to less than 2 drinks.
That's what most people who are past college age do, so that's why they get away with charging so much- they charge you for the atmosphere too.
College bars where people go to get wasted are much cheaper, but they also have lousy music that's too loud, filthy bathrooms, and are packed with frat boys.

people go to bar to have a good time and get laid,the price is like a social status divider,poor people dont go to the pricey bars so the people who do know they are partying with someone of their own level.if your well to do you dont want to take some trailer park trash home do versa,to some people $ just dont matter that much,do you think britney would go to some club that every tom dick and harry was at

you most live in some over priced city

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