How much alcohol do you need to get drunk?!
How much alcohol do you need to get drunk?
Scientifically, it all depends on the individuals' age, sex, weight, and health. A woman or some one who weighs less will get drunk before a man or a heavier person.
I am not telling you my own personal limits.
TJC; Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology
Just enough, but not too much.
really depends on your weight and how much tolerance you've built up. if your consitantly drinking you should be able to handle more liqour in general. if you havn't eaten or you taken shots your going to get 'drunk' quicker. if your asking me for my own personal result? 3 martinis aught to do it.
To get drunk you need to drink about 5-6 WHOLE BOTTLES of beer. Oh wait that will kill you. Um... oh yes! You have to at least 2 WHOLE AND BIG bottles of beer to get drunk. Why wanna have sex with someone while being drunk. You're on your way kid.