Is there a use by date on Irish Whiskey?!

Question: I bought a bottle of supermarkets own brand of Irish Whiskey (cheaper version of Baileys), a few years ago, but never opened it. I can't see any use by date on it, other than use within 3 months of opening. Do you think it would be ok to drink?

Answers: I bought a bottle of supermarkets own brand of Irish Whiskey (cheaper version of Baileys), a few years ago, but never opened it. I can't see any use by date on it, other than use within 3 months of opening. Do you think it would be ok to drink?

yes it will be ok, once opened keep in fridge though as the cream can go off xx

saying that, pubs dont bother do they? I keep mine in fridge.

open and enjoy with loads of ice, or with vodka and make your self an orgasm hun

no.'re fine.

yes the day after you bought it (hic)

liquor never spoils.

It should be fine. You wrote that you haven't opened it yet, so you should be okay.

well if it has no expiry date then yea it should be but maybe take a smill sip or smell it first to check if it is alright to drink,

Baileys is Irish Cream, not Whiskey...

yes of course alcohol never goes out of date i have a bottle moet champyne in my fridge that iv had for years

The older the better!

only if you let me try it first reasons

Does`nt that contain "cream" in which case no. If you`ve had it some time you`ll probably find it`s gone solid in the bottle. I had a similar experience.

yes as soon as possible

No, just keep it sealed and out of the light.


OK first off it is not Irish whiskey it is Irish cream barley and second off if you opened it it is bad if you did not keep it cold it will most likely be bad drink the good stuff or dont drink at all

No,bless you,what ever whisky you have,it will be safe to drink,Merry Christmas,do not get hiccups keep safe.How ever you say baileys,so i would not drink it but throw it and buy another.Sorry,did not read the question properly.

Bailey's is not Irish Whisky, it is Irish cream (which is made from Irish Whisky and milk). If you have Irish cream and you have not refrigerated it, it is probably curdled. It should still be safe to drink, but it will be disgusting.

If you have Irish whiskey (a clear, amber-colored liquid), it ought to last for decades.

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