Do drugs and alchohol kill? if yes then how?!

Question: yes because its easy to get addicted

Answers: yes because its easy to get addicted

addiction, my friend.

Of course they do. Overtime internal organ damage which leads to death, have. You can fry your brain on drugs. You can overload your heart.

yes... adiction, overdose, or just poisonous

addiction which can lead to overdose which leads to death.


alchohol= alchohol poisoning (doesn't ALWAYS kill but mostly)

acid makes you think you're a glass of orange juice(sometimes) and alcohol does damage to your liver over time.

like a pratical overdose or alchohal poisening. or taking pills your body may not beable to handle and put you to a serious mental-related problem or even death. last year i did drugs and ended up loosing my best friend to drinking and driving and overdosed having to get my stomach pumped. so yes it can kill you. hopefully you make the right choices in life!

chirrosis of the liver
alcohol poisoning
drunk/drug driving accidents

Just to name a few...

Becuase when u do it or drink it a lot it 1 makes your lungs get smaller, turn black, and eventually u die from air loss!!
2 it infects your kidney, makes it swell up, and eventually explodes
3 you lose control of your brain, fall a lot, and sometimes you go brain dead and die!!
4 you are addicted so u comit suicide

Several drugs, e.g. alcohol, are rather tough on the metabolic system and speed up failure of the liver. Smoking anything will increase the chance of lung cancer, though cigarettes are considerably more dangerous than anything else in this regard. Cocaine doubles the risk of most kinds of deadly strokes. And of course fatal accidents are more common when intoxicated.

Of course, some recreational drugs have beneficial health effects as well. For instance, alcohol reduces the risk of most cardiovascular problems, and LSD can cure physical drug addiction.

yes and it is a long slow death

alcohol can kill you by wasting away your liver or you could die from a drunk driving incident.

drugs can kill you in many ways- you can get diseases like hepititas or aids from needles or syrenges, many drugs can also affect your heart and other major organs. overdoses can also kill you.

Yes, they do.
There's four ways they kill:
1. The physical toll it takes on your body destroys kidneys, liver, and brain, and you die.
2. You drive drunk or high and get in a car wreck and die.
3. You get so depressed with your addiction that you kill yourself.
4. You put yourself in dangerous situations to get your drug or drink and someone murders you.

I have an experiment for you. Take a raw egg in it's shell and soak it in some alchohol crack open the egg the next day and it will be hard boiled that is what will happen to your liver if you abuse alchohol

Addiction. I'm a recovering alcoholic/addict and I have seen 3 friends of mine die from alcoholism. Look at all the rock stars/film stars etc.

yess..u get addicted and they kill brain cells and then when u waist them al u die.

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