Why cant i drink in moderation?!


Why cant i drink in moderation?

i never have just 1 cause i dont see the point
i very rarely drink but when i do i'm not done till i'm sseeeeiinng ddoouubbllee

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1 month ago
i know this is caalled binge drinking

1 month ago
i know this is caalled binge drinking

it's just so good and fun.

I think you may have a drink problem.

Good Luck and Be Happy

. . . because drinkin` in moderation is for dorks. xD

Is 'Moderation' some trendy new nightclub with over-enthusiastic bouncers?

at least it's very rarely - would only worry bout it if it was every night!

I don't know. You tell MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE .Hellooooooo

So, what your saying is your a part time drunk? Show a little restraint!

It's sad to say but you are one of the ones that should not ever take the first drink, better off to drink something with no alcohol because you have a system that just will not tolerate it, no matter what you drink. Wine, beer, whiskey will all have the same effect.

you need to know your limit. Whats the point of drinking to get drunk?? Just have a few to enjoy the moment

You have not got a drink problem most people go out and get drunk a alcoholic is someone who drinks first think in the morning everyday of the week,Trust me I live with one also been one.

and the reason you get paralytic is because you young, and it’s a way you can socialise with people don’t worry about it to much everyone gets drink, enjoy life.

iam the same you cant have one every night because of the hangovers you just dont know when to stop,iam thirsty all day long ,it taste soooo good that one more rolls into 3 or 4 5 or 6 there should be a non hangover drink on the market

I don't know cos I'm the same, don't drink all week, but come Friday & saturday, I have to drink it all.

mabey you have a problem mabey not. but i can tell you this all alcoholic s dont have too drink every day there is something called binge drinking and is just the same. and still makes you an alchy

F****** Great is'nt it go on my son get it down you

Yes, you have serious deep rooted issues, and unfortunately for you, you are not able to solve them chatting with your mates at a pub. You will need some assistance from a therapist.

Ya might want to lay off the sauce completely just so ya dont get yourself into a crazy bad situation.

you may have a disease or genetic tendency to alcohol addiction. Get advice and read up on subject. there is many misconceptions about it.

i ask this myself every morning

Answer YES or NO to the following questions.

Have you ever decided to stop drinking for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days?

Yes No

Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking-- stop telling you what to do?

Yes No

Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk?
Yes No

Have you had to have a drink in the morning during the past year?
Do you need a drink to get started, or to stop shaking? This is a pretty sure sign that you are not drinking "socially."

Yes No

Do you envy people who can drink without getting into trouble?

Yes No

Have you had problems connected with drinking during the past year? Be honest!

Yes No

Has your drinking caused trouble at home?

Yes No

Do you ever try to get "extra" drinks at a party because you do not get enough?

Yes No

Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking any time you want to, even though you keep getting drunk when you don't mean to?

Yes No

Have you missed days of work because of drinking?

Yes No

Do you have "blackouts"?
A "blackout" is when there are drinking hours or days we cannot remember.

Yes No

Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink?

Yes No

What's your score?

Did you answer YES four times or more? If so, you are probably in trouble with alcohol.

Look for Alcoholics Anonymous in your local telephone directory - often in the 'useful numbers' section.

No problem here, if you've worked hard all week and the money is in the bank, If all your friends are there and they don't mind, go for it , life is too short, live it to the full.

We have all been there and done it, makes great conversation the next week when you cannot remember whats happened or who with.

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