How much would I have to drink to get drunk?!


How much would I have to drink to get drunk?

How much of Captain Morgan would i have to drink to get drunk? and how much to get a buzz? im a 19 year old female weighing 112lbs. and it took 5 shots of windsor for me to get wasted last time so how many shots with Captain Morgan?

There's many factors to look at here. First of all your body works off about a drink an hour. So drinking 5 shots at once will get you way more wasted the having 5 shots over 3 hours. The next big factor is weight. The more you you weight the more alcohol is takes to raise your blood alcohol level. Since your a lightweight it won't take much for you. The next factor is tolerance. People who drink all the time can drink way more and function than someone who does not. Since you're asking this question I'm going to assume you have a low tolerance.

I think the best advice is to take it slow. Have one drink and wait a few minutes before the next. See how you feel. You'll find your desired drunkenness and you won't end up in the bathroom vomiting.

Allot I drink windsor 7's and it takes me about 2 to get a buzz and 5 to get me drunk I am a cheap drunk lol I get a buzz that quick and can get drunk very easy depends on what you drink or how your body reacts to alcohol

Most liquors have the same alcohol content, so you can expect 5 shots to do the trick again. However, some spirits, like tequila, can take longer to kick in, so it is very important to know your limit ahead of time so you don't continually drink waiting for the effects, only for it to hit you all at once.
Tequila has brought about the end of my night many-a-time...

Sounds like you are on a self destruction course, I don't know if Captain Morgan is more alcohol than windsor but I would guess it would be about the same but remember that there are times when alcohol will act differently regardless of how much you drink due to your body. There are times that one drink is too many and then maybe the next time you can have 5.

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