My wife hates wine!?!


My wife hates wine!?

I like wine, but wife hates it. Because of that I can't really buy and experiment w/ it as much as I'd like to as I end up throwing half of each bottle away since I am not THAT big of a drinker.
How can I make her start to like it? What's a good introductory wine? Maybe go wine tasting...?

She may never be a wine drinker, but you can go to tastings on your own. Actually, tastings let you experiment and might be a good way to introduce her to wine. For years and years I thought I disliked it. Turns out I just disliked the swill I was consuming.

Best wishes...

You are just going to have to deal with it. I don't like wine much either. Accept her as she is.

It matters what her problem is. Is she still in a yummy phase? Are most wines too dry for her or not sweet enough? You might try her on a muscat or even mead or can then work into a gewertztrmeiner..then a pinot no time she will be swlling something more to your taste.

I like wine but my husband did not. I started taking him to wine tastings at local wineries. He learned to taste the wine instead of just drink it and he learned what he likes. He hated red wine the most, but now Merlot is his favorite and enjoys a variety now.

You can't just make someone like something they don't like. I think it's just fine that she doesn't like wine, a lot of people don't. If you like wine that's fine, and it if you put it in the fridge where it can stay cool, it will be fine. That's what we do at my house.

Hey not to be critical or anything but everyone likes a different type of drink and wine is nasty. YUCK!, it has a bitter taste to it.

Most non wine drinkers start with sweeter wines. Do not start her with red ones. (more of an acquired taste)
Sweeter whites I would recommend. (Like rieslings)

sit her down and chug it down her throat. everybody gettin tipsy!

I sell a Gallo Twin Valley wine at my work. It is light and clean tasting. They make a white Zinfandel (its pink) it isn't real fruity and doesn't cost a lot. Wine tasting are great if you live in an area that has them available. Some companies make the little bottles that are just one serving. Most Wine Coolers are actually malt liquor not wine so read carefully.

Try a Schmitt Sohne Riesling it is sweet enough without being to sweet most women I know that aren't big into wine love it. It is a good introductory wine.

You may never get her to like wine. It is an aquired taste. She probably won't like any red wines. Try white or blush. Go with the sweeter wines. You may try wine tasting. If she doesn't develop a taste then buy the wine and learn to use the leftover for cooking.

How about try a sweet desert wine first like muscat or just a white wine. wine tasting is always fun too!! the people can tell you what wine works best with what foods so you can enjoy it better!

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