Is drinking a 1.75 liter bottle of 80 proof Vodka a week considered alcoholism?!


Is drinking a 1.75 liter bottle of 80 proof Vodka a week considered alcoholism?

I did the math and it's equivalent to 39 and a half drinks. Am I drinking too much?


****, I can drink twice that in a day and I'm not an alcoholic.
Seriously, who ARE these people answering this question? Maybe you all need to drink more.

and BTW I hate "former alcoholics". Whenever I go to the bar after my second beer they start bitching at me because of my "bad behavior". Um.... I can control myself, you can't; there's a difference between us.

Life, going to college, having friends in a frat who can drink 4-5 times more than I can

Er yes.. How are you still alive?

Nope, keep trying!

Maybe if its a vacation or something, but if this is every might wanna try and cut back some. The liver is resilient but that is a lot

Can you stop drinking if you want to? Do you crave it and always think about it? Stop now before it takes over your life and ruins all relationships. I just left m acholic husband and it is amazing how it rules your life and others.

It's a fair amount. I wouldn't recommend any more. In the UK they say 21 drinks a week, but I havent stuck to that so well.

I'd cut back, but I doubt it's enough to kill you. Just make you miss work!

depends on if you can handle it

more like stupidity

that depends on sOme scales yes other ..still say yes STOP

it all depends on two things really. YOU and your control over the booze.
I am a recovering alcoholic i used to drink 1.25 liters of vodka a day on average. But i have known people who are alcoholics who only drink 12 cans of beers a day. It is not the amount you drink it is the control the booze has over you.
Alcohol used to control my life, and i had no control over it.
It used to rule my life dictate what i did when i did it. First thing in the morning drink, and then every spare minute i could do it i would.
So if it rules your life and you cannot control your urge to drink then go for a meeting, if not just be careful. Alcholism is like a snow ball going down a hill, it gets worse and worse the longer it goes on and will rule yur life until you can quit it.
Hope this helps you want any more info just let me know. Been there done that and still wearing the t-shirt and the scars from my battle

i drank 10 beer and a bit of vodka in 15 hours once and every one on yahoo answers was ready to call the rehab centre but that's after i was told i needed my stomach pumped and treated for alcohol poisoning so i figure you should require the same treatment. and normally i wouldn't drink that much in a month so i would say ya you drink too much

Just the fact that you had to ask the question is pretty much proof of it.
Vodka is usually the choice of alcoholics due to its low odor, which makes it harder to detect on the breath from a distance.
If you're at home by yourself and drinking this, get help.
If you are partying with friends and drinking this, be careful.
If you are drinking this to help you cope, get help.
If feel you have to have a drink every day, get help.
If you don't feel normal without a drink, get help.
If you try to hide your drinking from others, get help.
If you drive after drinking, get help.

The math shows you are, on average, having 5-6 drinks a day. This is very close to alcoholism. You are on the brink.
Don't fall over!
And you are your liver's worst enemy right now.

Listen to Noodles, she is on the mark!

only you can say if you're an alcoholic but by posting this question I can tell you have some serious concerns over you're drinking. Try to cut down and if you can't on your own then you may need to seek other ways to stop. Alcoholics Anonymous and getting a sponsor is a good way to curb and stop your drinking.

But, did you do the math this way?

1.84 Liters = about 2 Pints per week = (7 Liters per month) about 1 3/4 Gallon per month = 22 Gallons per year.

So let's propose your question like this...
Is 22 Gallons of 80 proof Vodka per year enough to qualify someone as an alcoholic?

(oh and btw...can any Liver process this quantity of alcohol without breaking down and become diseased?)

Yes, that is way too much! Even if you feel fine now, you are killing your liver. Stop for a month or two completely. Your liver needs a break. If you have trouble stopping, then you probablly have a bigger problem. If you cant stop alone, go to an AA meeting. There is help out there, you just have to ask for it.

That is a bit much, especially if your doing that a week as you said you were.

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