Is there anything out there that will delay or prevent hangovers?!


Is there anything out there that will delay or prevent hangovers?

i know there is that lifeline tablet but is there anything else i can take or do to prevent hangivers....i usually woulndt be askin but im havin my 21st next weekend....and i usually feel sick and not drunk after 3 three drinks.....i think im allergic to drink...but any way natural enough i dont wanna be sick on the night i wanna be able to talk to everyone and be in top any ideas???

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1 month ago
i think!!!!! dont i always feel sick after 2/ 3 vodkas and 7up and i cant ever drink another sip.......prob should change my drink any way i dont plan on gettin drunk but i do want to have a sip here and there durin the night

1 month ago
i hope u read this again its livin in ireland legal age is 18 for not breakin any laws !!!!

1 month ago
i think!!!!! dont i always feel sick after 2/ 3 vodkas and 7up and i cant ever drink another sip.......prob should change my drink any way i dont plan on gettin drunk but i do want to have a sip here and there durin the night

1 month ago
i hope u read this again its livin in ireland legal age is 18 for not breakin any laws !!!!

For what its worth.....
Eating before you drink only causes the alcohol to be absorbed more slowly it does not stop hangovers.
your body can use up one unit of alcohol per hour so drinking more than this is what gets you drunk. Fizzy drinks also speed up the affect so mixing Vodka and 7-UP is a good way to cause problems.
Feeling sick after a few drinks depends on how fast you drink them. From your question you seem to be a person who is intolerant to alcohol so the longer it stays in your system the worse you will feel. More than one shot of Vodka in an hour and you will feel sick.
Try and stay to less than two drinks an hour for the first couple of hours then one an hour for the rest of the night if you can, if you want to be seen to be drinking make every second drink just a 7-UP and no-one will notice. Also, be careful of the silly buggers who think its a crack to get you a double or treble instead of a single, there is nothing some people like more than seeing others in discomfort.

You are about to experience a once-in-a-lifetime event. I hope you have fond memories of it. Enjoy.

Drink alcohol moderately and drink plenty of water. For every alcoholic drink you should consume one glass of water. This prevents dehydration. Also stick with the same thing. Don't have different drinks on the same evening. A spritzer like wine and soda will be better than a cocktail with a high alcohol content.

don't drink so much! if you're allergic to it then you shouldn't be drinking at all! if you were allergic to peanut butter would you eat it?

If you are not allergic to any milk products, drink 1 glass of cold milk right before you're heading out, to coat your stomach... this usually works.... or at times I would take 2 excedrin aspirins before I started to drink and I wouldn't get sick. If you wake up with a hangover, then the only way to cure it is to have another drink of what you had the night before, and last but not least there is this can of soup called "Menudo", it's mexican soup... the ingredients in there cure everything.. heat it up real hot, add cilantro and chopped onions.. and you're good to go.. hope this helps and don't drink too much, take your time sipping your drinks, enjoy it.. you don't have to get sloushed to have a good time.. Happy Birthday to you as well.. Good luck!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's back up here. What is wrong with this picture? You say you turn 21 next weekend yet you've had a hangover before? I'll assume those prior hangovers were from Happiness and not alcohol!

Anyway, Happy Birthday! If you think your allergic or it affects you so adversely, why not just sip a drink or two and go with ones that aren't too bad such as an Amaretto Sour or Slo Gin Fizz or something. In any event, take a couple of Excedein before you start drinking and maybe that will help. But if drinking is going to cause you such problems, better to just not drink.

If you must booze yourself into a dizzy, falling-down, commode-hugging mess (whatta way to turn legal!)...

A good part of any hangover is dehydration, and another good part is the body reacting to some of the flavoring and coloring agents in the booze.

To avoid dehydration--stay hydrated. Drink lots of water or soda water with your alcohol. Mixing with Gatorade works best of all but few bars stock that as a mixer...

To avoid flavoring and coloring agents, consume clear, flavorless alcohol. Vodka is best here, followed by other traditional liquors like whiskey and gin; worst of all are the candy-sweet liqueurs like Amaretto, Kahlua, Creme de Menthe, Jagermeister, etc.

The absolute best no-hangover drink is:
1 jug gatorade
1 pint vodka
1 8-oz can frozen orange juice.

Combine all ingredients, the gatorade causes faster absorbtion of the alcohol, the OJ makes it taste better, and in the morning you're hydrated and your brain and digestive tract are not complaining about the flavoring agents.

Don't drink is the quick answer. It's best to drink slowly over the period of the evening as well as eat a little at the same time. That will allow the alcohol to be absorbed more slowly. Also mix the Alcohol with lots of Juice. Have a good time..

drink 3 cups of water before you go out, and for every 2 drinks you have, have a drink of water.

drink another glass or two before bed. you get a hangover because you're dehydrated.

Drink drink drink and then b4 the end of the night wen u think u hav had enough. Stop drinking and have water instead. It really does work i do it all the time. Still come home wrecked but wake up with no! Hangover. Alos either get up really early and keep busy and drink water, this gets it out of my system. Or have a really long lie in and sleep it out!! By the time you wake up it will have gone. Usually.
But always drink loads 'o' water!!

If you react this way to excess alcohol, then don't drink that much alcohol! Even if it's your birthday! Who wants to be sick as a dog on their birthday?

If you do go on a binge, though: (1) eat food as well, and (2) drink a lot of water, and (3) if you vomit, don't drink any more.

Happy birthday!

lol..the only thing i used was multiple glasses of water before you go to bed, it seems to help, just dont forget to drink them...hehe, oh and advoid the sugary drinks maybe, bigger hangovers

Have something to eat beforehand. One thing that worked for me was to drink coke. People used to ask 'what are you having' and offer a beer, and I'd so 'no thanks mate, I'm on jacks' and wave the glass in the air. Folk can't tell that there's no actual Jack Daniels in it. People admire your good tase and envy you for being able to afford it (but hey it is your birthday). You can generally drink about 6 litres of the stuff before anyone manages to slip some real Jacks into your drink.

Staying concious for your own birthday is just a tiresome duty that you have to make sacrifices for. Finish off the evening (and yourself) with a few real Jack Daniels at the end of the evening. You'll find it gives you less of a hangover than beer, but get right back into the coke first thing in the morning and you'll be right. Cheers!

Keith Floyd wrote a geat book of hangover cures which was in print a couple of years ago. I'm allergic to booze and it has got me into considerable trouble over the years, so I recommend sobriety, though at your age I would not have dreamed of it. Milk, water, food, sleep. Oh and stick topue spirit - say vodka and orange juice, then your mates won't know if you are boozing or not.

don't mix your drinks for starters, eat before you plan on going out to drink, don't drink excessive of course and don't drink the hard stuff like jager, whiskey and etc

First, change to vodka and orange juice. The vitamin C is good. Next, for each drink of alcohol you consume , have a glass of water after it. That will dilute the alcohol level in your blood. Make sure that you have a hearty meal before you start with the partying. After the partying, have some chicken soup. This contains many of the minerals which are lost when your body tries to deal with the alcohol excess. And, last, drink lots of fluids (non alcoholic) to help clear your blood of the alcohol as soon as possible.

You need to drink smart at the time.

Mixed drinks
Eat something
Every drink gets a glass of water with it

Best way to avoid a hangover is not to drink alcohol. Sorry, but that's it!

If you find an answer to this question, you will be worth a £mill good luck with that.

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