Do you find it weird that...?!


Do you find it weird that...?

after a night of drinking (like a one off night every so often when u drink that much that you don't remember some parts of the night) that the next day you like to analyze it with someone else who was there? like go through all the bits you remember and ask them about bits you forget and stuff?

Additional Details

1 month ago
Im not an alcoholic, i drink maybe once every few months? i dont "blackout" i just dont remember everything that happened the next day, i just wanna know if other people find it weird how people analyze the night the next day. I mean, i do it myself i just find it weird at the same time.

1 month ago
Im not an alcoholic, i drink maybe once every few months? i dont "blackout" i just dont remember everything that happened the next day, i just wanna know if other people find it weird how people analyze the night the next day. I mean, i do it myself i just find it weird at the same time.

No i just don't want to miss anything i did :)

Thats called "blackout" and its the first sign you're becoming an alcoholic.

I hear all sorts of things I can't believe I did. I had 3 people there to agree that I did actually do/say these things just last night.


Yes i do.

Go to the police station and get your blood taken. You are the victim of Rohypnol.

Yes, that has happened to me, you reach a certain point and I'm sure it's fun but there are things you might regret doing. Blackouts are very serious and your not being able to handle your alcohol. Have a good time, but your heading down a path that leads to no where. I checked myself into rehab and got myself together. I am the best me today that I've ever been!

Thats the scary thing that drink can do to you. Those gaps in your memory are called black outs. They can last for minutes hours or even longer and if you get these a lot, it's time to stop drinking, seriously.
When you need to run over events with a friend its because you need reassurance that you can account for everything - the best advice I can give for this is to cut down on your drinking, blanks in your memory can be scary. Cos one day you might be unable to recall a whole night and if your friends cant remember either you will always wonder what happened - you dont want to go down that road!

if you cant remember you have had a blackout because that how you loose memory of what happened the night before. so the short story is you drink too much and you burned up to many brain cells 1000000 of them that cant be replaced every time you get drunk

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